Saturday, April 23, 2016

"A Robin's Nest Is Being Built For Me"

This is a picture of a robin's nest being built in one of my plum trees right outside my kitchen window. I hope I can take pictures of the baby birds when they hatch. 4-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                         This is the full tree that the robin nest is in. 4-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.

How exciting this morning to find this little Robin’s nest being built in a plum tree just outside my kitchen window. Chuck climbed upon the ladder and took a picture of the inside of the nest. No eggs have been laid yet. I hope we didn’t molest the bird’s privacy enough that she won’t come back and lay her eggs. I am puzzled to see such a happening in such a small tree so close to my window. I do love Robin Red Breasts, and maybe the good Lord led the Robin to build her nest there. This is a lovely day with just a slight breeze. I cut a mess of asparagus and will fix it for dinner this evening. Pork chops are on the menu also with mashed potatoes and gravy. I can’t even think of moving from my home into an apartment, which is being discussed at this time. My doctor says I must get closer than 260 miles from him. I have been considering several options, but none of which I want to trade my home for. I like my cardiologist and don’t want to change again. He is in Oklahoma City, and I live in Perryton, Texas, 260 miles away. God will make that choice for me in due time. I have committed it unto Him. I would be giving up a lot if I moved, but sometimes we have to do what we must do. Life does require changes from time to time.

I would be satisfied to move to Oklahoma City or near by if I could have the same conveniences that I have here. I could give up my yard, but I need a place to live with room for my art studio. I need space for overnight company also. I must have family and friends visit me as long as I am in good health. This has always been my life, and I cannot trade it for one selfish me. I have given my preference to God, and I know He will honor it. In the mean time I will keep enjoying my long-time home, and wait for an offer to fit my desire. Whatever happens in the next few weeks will be the final decision in my future. I am excited about moving, and also excited about staying put where I am. Can anyone explain that? I am thankful I am not having to make a quick choice like so many people I know have had to do. I am trying to follow good advise and trust God for a better way of life. I have no family in Perryton but one son who is handicapped. He is my dependant and will be following me wherever I go. I have been extremely lonely since I lost my husband three years ago. All my other children live four hundred miles or farther away. I have a lot of family in Oklahoma City whom I am very close to. I don’t like big cities, nor do I want to live within city limits, but I must compromise if I get closer to my doctor. I trust all my friends, and readers of my blogs will keep me in their prayers for what is best for me.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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