Sunday, March 27, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Easter Snow Under The Moon"

Jean's Comment's: "Easter Snow Under The Moon":  Early this Easter morning the moon was shinning down on a blnket of snow in Perryton, Texas. 3-27-2017 Snow covered apple tree on East...

"Easter Snow Under The Moon"

 Early this Easter morning the moon was shinning down on a blnket of snow in Perryton, Texas. 3-27-2017
Snow covered apple tree on Easter morning in Perryton, Texas. My back yard was beautiful. 3-27-2016.

I woke up early this Easter morning to see a great surprise in my back yard. Every tree was covered with snow, and the ground looked like a white carpet was laid over it. The moon was shinning bright. What a beautiful scene of Mother Nature. I can’t remember seeing snow where I have lived on a Easter Sunday. At this time, a few hours later, the sun is shinning bright. One needs sun shades to go outside. I think God showed me through this unusual happening that He is watching over me, and will heal my bleeding heart from losing my son, Rick, yesterday. As most of you know Rick left yesterday for Houston to seek more professional medical help for his illness. He had been living with me for eleven months. I have taken it like I have lost him forever. God didn’t leave me hopeless. He will help me through this awful time, and bring back my joy.

My next step forward is to get out of my house, and go away where I can be alone, except with God by my side, to meditate upon His past blessings, and to wait for a refreshing renewal for a blessed future. I will be going to Oklahoma City on the 19 of April for a doctor’s appointment. I plan to stay there with two of my sisters for about a week. I also have a dear friend who lives there who has invited me to spend some time with her. If I didn’t have this appointment, made from a year ago, I would not be getting out of my house. God knows how to get us where we need to go. Its strange how grief can glue you to your bed with only a T V to keep you company. Absolutely not a good remedy for sorrow. I will go, and I will enjoy regardless of the temptation to stay home.

Nothing can be more sweeter than sitting with two sisters in a motel room smiling at you while you sing to them. While I was blessing them they were in turn blessing me. This kind of relationship has happened many times in the past, and I’m ready for it to happen again. Both of my sisters have had surgery just two weeks apart within the last six weeks. I didn’t get to go be with them, because I was caring for Rick, but now that he’s gone I need to go. I believe God will make a way for the three of us to be together again without anyone else around. I won’t be singing for them this time, but we can share our tears. It should happen at least once a year. My sisters also needs some space away from a tiring job of taking care of dependant children, older, but dependant. I am thankful that we came from a family who believes you must care for those who are in need., especially if its your own. We do our best, and God does the rest. Some day we all will be judged.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "A Mother's Love Never Fades"

Jean's Comment's: "A Mother's Love Never Fades":           My son, Rick Sharp, taken at my house a few years ago. 3-26-2016 Perryton, Texas. This has been a sad day for me. After seven ...

"A Mother's Love Never Fades"

          My son, Rick Sharp, taken at my house a few years ago. 3-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This has been a sad day for me. After seven hours of crying, I am finally getting myself together. My son, Rick, who has had some serious health issues, left this morning to go be with his daughters in Houston, Texas. He had lived with me for eleven months. He loved so much being back in his childhood home with me, and I was loving having him with me. The past five months has been very tough on us all. Rick has been in the hospitals several times, and although the doctors always got him through his terrible sickness, they could not find what the basis of the trouble was. Rick made numerous trips to Amarillo, Texas to have MRI’s made, and many blood test run still the doctors were not able to diagnose his problem. He was going to be sent to another round of doctors in Amarillo so Rick and I, along with his two daughters, thought it was best for him to go to Houston where he could have access to more professional doctors. One of his daughters is a surgical nurse, and she has been talking with the doctors that she works with about her dad. They encouraged her to bring him there, but Rick was not strong enough to make the trip at the time. The Lord touched his body after I brought him home to die, and he gained eighteen pounds. We were so happy, and Rick was trying hard to keep his faith, but after three months he started to throw up his food again, and was losing weight fast. He was able to drive himself to Houston, so we loaded his things up this morning and he left. It was as hard on me as was when I lost my husband three years ago. I don’t know how much more I have to take, but the Lord never fails to comfort me when I am deeply grieved. I lost my loving brother, who was helping me get over losing my husband, just six months after my husband died. It was totally unexpected, and I still haven’t gotten over that. The pain of grief nearly takes my breath at times, but I am made stronger after every attack. I am so thankful for the love of God which surpasses all understanding.

While Rick was with me he did so many wonderful things for me. He was just a loving guy whom everyone liked. Every where I look I see his finger prints, and smell his sweetness. The tears just don’t seem to stop. I know he probably will get better after he finds some good doctor’s in Houston, but it seems like the Lord is preparing me for the worst. I miss him already like I can never explain. God was so good to let me keep Rick with me for 62 years. He became disabled about three years ago, but managed to keep his job until he could retire. He called me a few minutes ago to let me know he had reached Forth Worth, and was relaxing in his motel room. His voice was so sweet, and I was able to come and write this blog. Thanks to everyone who have been praying for Rick. It means so much to me,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, March 21, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "So Far Away But Close To My Heart"

Jean's Comment's: "So Far Away But Close To My Heart": At 6:30 this morning this moon was showing over the top of my patio door in the western sky. Almost reaching the ground. 3-21-2016 Perryto...

"So Far Away But Close To My Heart"

At 6:30 this morning this moon was showing over the top of my patio door in the western sky. Almost reaching the ground. 3-21-2016 Perryton, Texas.

A nice good morning welcome at 6:30 this morning when I looked out my kitchen window and saw this bright moon over the door of my patio. My coffee tasted so good. As you all know I am a lover of the moon and the sun, also the stars. They brighten up my life. I am so thankful that I live in a spot on this earth where I can see the sun come up and go down. When the moon is out I can also see it come out and go down. Sky watch is an interesting habit to me.

This has been one of my better days. They always come after I’ve had a bad day or two, and it seems like all my joy has left forever. Isn’t it strange how life treats us sometimes. In the dark of the night the moon comes out and lightens things up. Then when it goes down the sun comes up. A new day, a new hope, and a new surprise with it. “Thank you lord for every blessing.” it seems like lately I have been taking one step forward, and three steps backward. I’m waiting to catch up which I am sure will be before long. My biggest problem is I am too involved with our country and it’s near destruction stage. I can’t seem to get away from the TV long enough to eat. I fix a sandwich  and eat it while watching TV. Then I go to the computer and send out my thoughts to several different people as though it was going to make a difference. I reply to congressmen, TV anchors, GOP leaders and anyone else who I think needs a piece of my mind. I get invites to be a follower of several people, but I always refuse. I am not afraid of the bull as long as I stay behind the fence.  I don’t know if my work can wait till after November or not. It’s getting pretty neglected. Not to mention my painting that I love so much to do.

Laying all jokes aside the state of our nation is to be taken seriously. We must do all we can to help get God back in our schools, and Jesus back in the churches. The absence of the Godhead is the cause of all our problems. Evil is no longer evil, but excitement for the soul. Too many have fallen victim to it, and no longer feel the sweetness of our Lord. We are lost without much hope of ever being found. Can we escape the demon power that is gaining ground more and more each day? Only if we put our heart into it, and seek God daily, praying without stopping all the time we’re watching the news. Yes, we can have a prayer in our hearts while we follow the direction of our conscience. Sleep, rest, listen, think, and action along with prayer can touch the heart of God, and it can make a big difference even with a lowly soul as you and I. Give it all you’ve got.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Naked Men Are Beautiful"

Jean's Comment's: "Naked Men Are Beautiful": Naked men orchids. I have some in my office pictured below. Love them. 3-20-2016 Perryton, Texas. This is my own "naked men" o...

"Naked Men Are Beautiful"

Naked men orchids. I have some in my office pictured below. Love them. 3-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.
This is my own "naked men" orchids setting on my utility table in my computer room. Just not quite as clear as the ones taken by a professional camera. Chuck bought them for me for valentines day, and I love them. 3-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Good-bye fruit. We had a hard freeze last night down in the teens. All the fruit just lost their existence. This would have been the most bountiful crop we had ever had. That’s ok we will still have lots of flowers. It’s hard to believe it got so cold last night after so many days of hot weather. Even the bloomed out flowers that usually withstand the freeze were killed also. This is the usual Easter weather, but colder than most have been in a long time. I hope it will be nice when the kiddo’s go out to hunt eggs. This is a time of the year that all children look forward to. How well I remember the excitement of Easter Sunday when I was a kid. I could live some of those times again if it were possible. I have to say I enjoy seeing the children all dressed-up, and hunting eggs today even more than when I was the hunter. Oh, how precious our children are! Please love them, and treat them nice for Jesus sake. The Word tells us “if any one would offend one of these little ones who believe in Me,  it would have been better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6. How many times have I seen such a thing happen, and I have always thought about this scripture. This is a deep subject, and covers a lot of ground. I hope more people will be conscience of this scripture and treat the children like they belong to Jesus instead of them.

I truly agree with this quote by Sherrilyn Kenyon.  “The worst wounds, the deadliest of them, aren’t the ones people can see on the outside. They’re the ones that make us bleed internally.” It’s called, “A wounded heart forever.”  “Lord let me never be guilty of causing this kind of wound to anyone.” I have several of them, and they are breath-taking at times. Let us not only think of our own wounds, but let us think of others also. We all need to help each other get through this awful life of pain, and sorrow. I long to share with bleeding hearts anything I can come up with to lessen some of the pain. I am always available to be called upon to help. Please don’t hesitate.

A laugh, a tear, a joy, a hope, a prayer, I always have some ready when you let me know that you need some. I cannot live without sharing, so please don’t shut me out of that need to live. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6.

Happy Easter to all my readers, and may you find the golden egg that the hen laid, and continues to lay for all who seek to find.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Hear The Angles Sing"

Jean's Comment's: "Hear The Angles Sing": Deanna Nicole Trammel. My great niece . I'm posting a poem she told me she wrote. I hope she wasn't kidding me, because I have pub...

"Hear The Angles Sing"

Deanna Nicole Trammel. My great niece . I'm posting a poem she told me she wrote. I hope she wasn't kidding me, because I have published it on the internet under her name. She was only 15 at the time she wrote this poem. I was somewhat in disbelief. If anyone can correct me on the validity of this poem please let me know. I was alarmed about her mental condition when she told me she wrote it. I called her, and she assured me it was her own work. I am re-posting it along with a blog I wrote at the time I published the poem.  This is all too fresh in my mind. Deanna is a special girl, and is now married and has a little boy two years old.

Weaving A new fate
but I found out to late
He's your new soul-mate
the reason for all your hate
You hear the knocking at your door
could it be A lion's roar
You ask god to make for sure
An he blessed you with wings to soar
He turns to ash it starts to pour
I'm thankful for serenity
Even if its the death of me
Only few can see
our true reality
The wicked hold some kind of key
I'm living life to die
And all you hear are evil lies
Are your neck the rope he ties
Getting off on your cries
Its okay my soul will rise
Through god you shall have no fear
We all know the end is near
but you have not a tear
Into the darkness you peer
But your seed you hold dear
Murdered with a treasured syth
Do you have eternal life
Cut the tension with a knife
Asking god to help me see
That your completely wrong
He tells me ill be lost at sea
With all the other deities
ease the pain help me please
the spells are reversible
Don't take his word so personal
ANYONE, can repent
even an evil serpent
God had his angels sent
In the darkness there is light
left is wrong
Good is right
Pluck the evil from our sight
Cause we may die tonight
never to late to break the chain
Even with a lions mane
Its not pumping through your veins
believe me son your not insane
When you die God can seize the rain
Don't you know our God can heal
Finally you can break the seal
With the devil you made a deal
You weren't made to kill
seek salvation!
--- On Sat, 12/15/12, Jean Sharp <> wrote:

From: Jean Sharp <>
Subject: Hear The Angles Sing
Date: Saturday, December 15, 2012, 12:43 AM

“Hear the Angles Singing”
This is the Christmas season of 2012. The time when everyone is supposed to be merry and joyful. In spite of all the terrible things that has been going on the past year or so in our beloved country, I had managed to drum up some excitement and actually was enjoying the season more this year than I had in several years. It was nothing more than a good old fashion blessing handed down to me by the Heavenly Father. It came to me after I had agreed to myself to let go of all the worry and hassle of politics in exchange for trusting God. I had actually thought the right president and congressional leaders could bring our country back to God. I finally woke up to fact that it was not going to happen.
I was sure I could read into the future of America, a very dreadful and eventually a cruel death for all Christians. It seemed to me as though most of the younger generation had resigned to following the evil expressions of rock and rap music without any place in their lives given to worship the living God of the universe. Anything new and different was always a challenge. If the off-spring of our Christian founders were giving into strange religions and abandoning all principles of early teachings, hope was very slim in my opinion, for a revival of divine nature to ever happen. It must be time, I thought, for some of the prophecy found in the bible, to be fulfilled. For many years I have clung onto my faith in God accepting His word for what it spoke of. He said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My word will never pass away.”
I can’t tell you what happened, but somehow God lifted the heaven burden from me and I have been loving every minute of this Christmas season. All the time I am aware that God’s word is all true and very bad and dreadful days are coming to us all, if we live long, but He is still in control and He has mercy for those who love Him.

This morning I was reassured that God meant what He said when He spoke of His wrath being poured out upon disobedient people. I don’t mean to place any blame to the grief stricken families who lost loved ones this morning to a crazed killer, but somewhere along the line someone has sharpened God’s wrath. God has no respecter of persons when He decides to fulfill His word. What we don’t understand, He said, “the good will suffer with the evil.” That means all will have to suffer at some time. I do believe that those whom have mocked God, and disrespected Him the most will be the ones to suffer the most.
I still believe God will answer prayer and send His peace to those who will trust Him. I have to believe that because of this scripture. Please read and rest assured.
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and heal their land.
Please don’t turn to strange types of worship. There is only One God and Jesus Christ is His son who came to this world to save the sinners from hell. The word tells us, “No man entereth heaven except by Jesus Christ.” Don’t be fooled into false doctrine. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.
God bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 11, 2016

Jean's Comment's: I just returned from the outskirts of heaven. Nanc...

Jean's Comment's: I just returned from the outskirts of heaven. Nanc...: I just returned from the outskirts of heaven. Nancy Reagan’s funeral was certainly a true atmosphere of heaven. Angelic voices and music alo...

I just returned from the outskirts of heaven. Nancy Reagan’s funeral was certainly a true atmosphere of heaven. Angelic voices and music along with a selection of bible scriptures most eloquently expressed, moved my heart to tears. “Nancy humor,” and her shocking remarks of blunt self-esteem made the attending guest laugh. Her grace mixed with sincere feelings of dislike for certain people made her a distinctively honest character. Two of the songs she chose to have sung at her funeral made me feel closer to Nancy than anything else, “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” and “Amazing Grace.” This made me feel more connected with her than any other aspect of her life.  I share the joy with Nancy as she is now lying next to the love of her life. “Together in life, together in death.” And all of those who spoke believe, “together in heaven.”  God bless her children, and God bless America.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Old Testament History Being -Lived Again"

Jean's Comment's: "Old Testament History Being -Lived Again":                            Crocus still looking pretty this morning. 3-6-2015 Perryton, Texas This beautiful Sunday morning the crocus ...

"Old Testament History Being -Lived Again"

                           Crocus still looking pretty this morning. 3-6-2015 Perryton, Texas

This beautiful Sunday morning the crocus are still showing their joy. They just keep bursting out blooms. I am happy to be surrounded with lively flowers and fruit blossoms. I am reminded that where I live is still blessed country. No sign of bombs having been dropped on us, or soldiers lined up on our streets. There are signs of people moving in instead of people moving out. New buildings are going up, and new hope is all around us. I urge everyone who lives here in Perryton, Texas to raise a hand and praise our God for His love and mercy. Many people can’t feel the hope for our country as I do, but God has not left us yet. I believe it matters to Him whether we recognize His great power, and trust Him, through all the evil that’s going on right before our eyes. In all the years of my life I have never seen such evil. Maybe it’s just because it’s moving into our own neighborhoods. As I said, not here yet, but not far away. I have only one hope of making America great again, and that is if Donald Trump can get elected to the presidency. All the others are just going to add fuel to the fire, which is blazing hot. Donald will not back off from tough decisions. That is what we need, a fearless, God-trusting man who will wear the Armour and face the giant. He is already doing that. He is a target for feeble-minded shooters coming from every direction. He just makes them more angry, and that is what the majority of the people want. God has always protected His people who trust Him. It’s those who say they trust Him, but their lives don’t show it, those are the ones who will be defeated. Donald Trump is like the poor wise man who saved a city from a great king who came to take it. Ecclesiastes 9:15. Except Donald Trump is not a poor man, his wisdom has made him rich. His wisdom will also save America, if people will let God have His way. Religious fanatics will be destroyed along with the non-religious fanatics, Satan worshippers, if you will.  Unwise judges, I call them. Pretending themselves to be perfect. How foolish can you get? They are listening to the bible illiterates, and the unwise, false bible  profits. Sum are rich, but not wise. They knew how to land a successful business, but are unable to meet the challenges of today’s robbers. They are in danger of losing it all. Bring it on, ye unsophisticated, naïve, self-righteous fighters. You are facing the giant you really don’t recognize. Your proper goodness, and mannerism will not kill this “wise ole life of knowledge.” Shoot away.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, March 4, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Wake Up To Spring"

Jean's Comment's: "Wake Up To Spring": Such a small part of what makes me happy, yet yet it means a lot. Mt first crocus, or first flower of any kind for the spring season. I do...

"Wake Up To Spring"

Such a small part of what makes me happy, yet yet it means a lot. Mt first crocus, or first flower of any kind for the spring season. I do have fruit blooms that are pretty also. 3-4-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                        Blooming plum tree. Anxious for the fruit. 3-4-2016 Perryton, Texas.
As much as I love, and enjoy my yard with so many beautiful flowers I have to admit I have been neglecting them so far. This entire week I have been glued to the television set. I believe our country is on the verge of collapse. I am watching things coming from the mouths of would-be leaders that are making me fear what is ahead for America. It’s totally different when you see, and hear, with your own eyes, and ears, some of the evil things that dominates the mainstream media versus reading about it. One television host made it clear last night after the GOP debate that we are living in different times than a few years ago. What does that mean? Are we living in the proximity of hell? It almost sounds like it sometimes. Then when we think about it this world has always been wicked. That is why God sent His son, Jesus, to save those who would believe on Him. Most of us have been  sheltered from much of the evil until now since television has become so prominent. We   can watch it at the kitchen sink, in our living rooms, in our beds, or while doing our office work. I have always been an observer from watching a bug crawling on the ground, to following jets flying high in the sky as long as I can see them. I like to make assumptions, since that is part of who I am. However, I think that is part of every ones make-up. There was a time when I never looked up from my work for eight hours a day. Then I came home to cook, wash clothes, help get the children’s home work, get everyone bathed and in bed. The same routine was followed the next day. My husband was good to help me. I doubt that I could have told you who the U.S. president was at that time. Since my days of retirement I have become more acquainted with the presidents, the senators, the representatives, and many, many more people who turn this world up side down every day. I am glad to be an outsider looking in. Of course I am one of the voters who help people to represent me. Yes I am an insider to my small group of friends, who like me, chat and spat, and threaten to tell them off if they make me mad. I can do that on twitter and face book. No kidding, I am thankful for all the blessings I still receive daily from my Lord. I know I am not worthy, but He blesses me anyway. What I would rather do more than anything else for the rest of my life is to make people happy, and take away all pain. Thank God that day is coming for us all. Fear and doubt are two of the strongest enemies we have to deal with, but be assured that God will do anything for us that we will let Him do. If we feel distant from him, guess who moved. Time to move back.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "How Sweet The Sight And Sound"

Jean's Comment's: "How Sweet The Sight And Sound":  I awoke this morning at 5:00 to see this moon coming through my venetian blind. Whoa! I saw a stop sign and got up. 3-2-2016 Perryton, Te...

"How Sweet The Sight And Sound"

 I awoke this morning at 5:00 to see this moon coming through my venetian blind. Whoa! I saw a stop sign and got up. 3-2-2016 Perryton, Texas.
My last prayer request before I laid down last night was being answered already. "Lead me lord in the right direction." 3-2-2016 Perryton, Texas

This past week has made another entry of death, and/or death-like events to  my troubled heart. The past four or five months have been very difficult for me to maintain my powerful faith in God. I’m sure some of you have not heard all the trials I have had to go through, but just let me say God never once left me helpless. A son, which was being put in hospice care after a two month long treatment for his serious condition of a liver disease numbered along with other health issues, is now living a normal life. I stayed by his side almost constantly while the Lord chose to heal him for now. Its true that my son is still being treated for his health  problems, but my stress has become so much less, and I have began to recover myself from several body aches and pains, including heart ache caused by rejection from precious loved ones who somehow could not understand my willingness to stay by my son’s side even though I was a heart patient myself. No one understands the love of a mother until they have been put to the test themselves. My recovering son is now helping me to recover, and endure another near death situation to a loved one so dear to me that I am having much trouble dealing with it. In fact I am dealing with two such precious ones who have stood beside me for many years, even while I had open heart surgery fifteen years ago. They were also my life-savior when I was taking my husband to a doctor almost three hundred miles from home. For eight years these two angels were by my side until after the funeral of my husband. Now I need to be with them, but I am almost unsure if that is something I should wisely do. If I cannot stand the horrible stress of seeing the serious problems of these two dear ones, then I should not tempt God. If I were younger, and in good health, I would already have been there, but as it is I am waiting on an answer from God.

Today was going to be the time when a risky, second surgery would happen to one of these loved ones. Last night I desperately asked god to direct my path. Then I awoke this morning at 5:00 to see the moon shining through my bedroom window blinds. A little later I began to hear a voice, which I started to argue with.  “You are to stay at home as you have told me before that you were putting this in My hands. If you are trusting Me, then let Me take care of it the way I see best.” I had to tell myself that God would give me strength even though I would have to suffer the loss if something went wrong. It is so hard for me to trust God unless I can be there. I want to fight for the recovery of both loved ones. I must, just must, let go of my selfishness. If I am left with just one-halve of my present health, then I must accept that too. After all there is a time for all to leave this old mortal body and take on a new one.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp