Sunday, March 20, 2016

"Naked Men Are Beautiful"

Naked men orchids. I have some in my office pictured below. Love them. 3-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.
This is my own "naked men" orchids setting on my utility table in my computer room. Just not quite as clear as the ones taken by a professional camera. Chuck bought them for me for valentines day, and I love them. 3-20-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Good-bye fruit. We had a hard freeze last night down in the teens. All the fruit just lost their existence. This would have been the most bountiful crop we had ever had. That’s ok we will still have lots of flowers. It’s hard to believe it got so cold last night after so many days of hot weather. Even the bloomed out flowers that usually withstand the freeze were killed also. This is the usual Easter weather, but colder than most have been in a long time. I hope it will be nice when the kiddo’s go out to hunt eggs. This is a time of the year that all children look forward to. How well I remember the excitement of Easter Sunday when I was a kid. I could live some of those times again if it were possible. I have to say I enjoy seeing the children all dressed-up, and hunting eggs today even more than when I was the hunter. Oh, how precious our children are! Please love them, and treat them nice for Jesus sake. The Word tells us “if any one would offend one of these little ones who believe in Me,  it would have been better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6. How many times have I seen such a thing happen, and I have always thought about this scripture. This is a deep subject, and covers a lot of ground. I hope more people will be conscience of this scripture and treat the children like they belong to Jesus instead of them.

I truly agree with this quote by Sherrilyn Kenyon.  “The worst wounds, the deadliest of them, aren’t the ones people can see on the outside. They’re the ones that make us bleed internally.” It’s called, “A wounded heart forever.”  “Lord let me never be guilty of causing this kind of wound to anyone.” I have several of them, and they are breath-taking at times. Let us not only think of our own wounds, but let us think of others also. We all need to help each other get through this awful life of pain, and sorrow. I long to share with bleeding hearts anything I can come up with to lessen some of the pain. I am always available to be called upon to help. Please don’t hesitate.

A laugh, a tear, a joy, a hope, a prayer, I always have some ready when you let me know that you need some. I cannot live without sharing, so please don’t shut me out of that need to live. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6.

Happy Easter to all my readers, and may you find the golden egg that the hen laid, and continues to lay for all who seek to find.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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