Tuesday, March 15, 2016

"Hear The Angles Sing"

Deanna Nicole Trammel. My great niece . I'm posting a poem she told me she wrote. I hope she wasn't kidding me, because I have published it on the internet under her name. She was only 15 at the time she wrote this poem. I was somewhat in disbelief. If anyone can correct me on the validity of this poem please let me know. I was alarmed about her mental condition when she told me she wrote it. I called her, and she assured me it was her own work. I am re-posting it along with a blog I wrote at the time I published the poem.  This is all too fresh in my mind. Deanna is a special girl, and is now married and has a little boy two years old.

Weaving A new fate
but I found out to late
He's your new soul-mate
the reason for all your hate
You hear the knocking at your door
could it be A lion's roar
You ask god to make for sure
An he blessed you with wings to soar
He turns to ash it starts to pour
I'm thankful for serenity
Even if its the death of me
Only few can see
our true reality
The wicked hold some kind of key
I'm living life to die
And all you hear are evil lies
Are your neck the rope he ties
Getting off on your cries
Its okay my soul will rise
Through god you shall have no fear
We all know the end is near
but you have not a tear
Into the darkness you peer
But your seed you hold dear
Murdered with a treasured syth
Do you have eternal life
Cut the tension with a knife
Asking god to help me see
That your completely wrong
He tells me ill be lost at sea
With all the other deities
ease the pain help me please
the spells are reversible
Don't take his word so personal
ANYONE, can repent
even an evil serpent
God had his angels sent
In the darkness there is light
left is wrong
Good is right
Pluck the evil from our sight
Cause we may die tonight
never to late to break the chain
Even with a lions mane
Its not pumping through your veins
believe me son your not insane
When you die God can seize the rain
Don't you know our God can heal
Finally you can break the seal
With the devil you made a deal
You weren't made to kill
seek salvation!
--- On Sat, 12/15/12, Jean Sharp <jcsharp@ptsi.net> wrote:

From: Jean Sharp <jcsharp@ptsi.net>
Subject: Hear The Angles Sing
To: deanna_shorty@yahoo.com
Date: Saturday, December 15, 2012, 12:43 AM

“Hear the Angles Singing”
This is the Christmas season of 2012. The time when everyone is supposed to be merry and joyful. In spite of all the terrible things that has been going on the past year or so in our beloved country, I had managed to drum up some excitement and actually was enjoying the season more this year than I had in several years. It was nothing more than a good old fashion blessing handed down to me by the Heavenly Father. It came to me after I had agreed to myself to let go of all the worry and hassle of politics in exchange for trusting God. I had actually thought the right president and congressional leaders could bring our country back to God. I finally woke up to fact that it was not going to happen.
I was sure I could read into the future of America, a very dreadful and eventually a cruel death for all Christians. It seemed to me as though most of the younger generation had resigned to following the evil expressions of rock and rap music without any place in their lives given to worship the living God of the universe. Anything new and different was always a challenge. If the off-spring of our Christian founders were giving into strange religions and abandoning all principles of early teachings, hope was very slim in my opinion, for a revival of divine nature to ever happen. It must be time, I thought, for some of the prophecy found in the bible, to be fulfilled. For many years I have clung onto my faith in God accepting His word for what it spoke of. He said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My word will never pass away.”
I can’t tell you what happened, but somehow God lifted the heaven burden from me and I have been loving every minute of this Christmas season. All the time I am aware that God’s word is all true and very bad and dreadful days are coming to us all, if we live long, but He is still in control and He has mercy for those who love Him.

This morning I was reassured that God meant what He said when He spoke of His wrath being poured out upon disobedient people. I don’t mean to place any blame to the grief stricken families who lost loved ones this morning to a crazed killer, but somewhere along the line someone has sharpened God’s wrath. God has no respecter of persons when He decides to fulfill His word. What we don’t understand, He said, “the good will suffer with the evil.” That means all will have to suffer at some time. I do believe that those whom have mocked God, and disrespected Him the most will be the ones to suffer the most.
I still believe God will answer prayer and send His peace to those who will trust Him. I have to believe that because of this scripture. Please read and rest assured.
2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and heal their land.
Please don’t turn to strange types of worship. There is only One God and Jesus Christ is His son who came to this world to save the sinners from hell. The word tells us, “No man entereth heaven except by Jesus Christ.” Don’t be fooled into false doctrine. Jesus is the way, the truth and the light.
God bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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