Friday, March 4, 2016

"Wake Up To Spring"

Such a small part of what makes me happy, yet yet it means a lot. Mt first crocus, or first flower of any kind for the spring season. I do have fruit blooms that are pretty also. 3-4-2016 Perryton, Texas.
                        Blooming plum tree. Anxious for the fruit. 3-4-2016 Perryton, Texas.
As much as I love, and enjoy my yard with so many beautiful flowers I have to admit I have been neglecting them so far. This entire week I have been glued to the television set. I believe our country is on the verge of collapse. I am watching things coming from the mouths of would-be leaders that are making me fear what is ahead for America. It’s totally different when you see, and hear, with your own eyes, and ears, some of the evil things that dominates the mainstream media versus reading about it. One television host made it clear last night after the GOP debate that we are living in different times than a few years ago. What does that mean? Are we living in the proximity of hell? It almost sounds like it sometimes. Then when we think about it this world has always been wicked. That is why God sent His son, Jesus, to save those who would believe on Him. Most of us have been  sheltered from much of the evil until now since television has become so prominent. We   can watch it at the kitchen sink, in our living rooms, in our beds, or while doing our office work. I have always been an observer from watching a bug crawling on the ground, to following jets flying high in the sky as long as I can see them. I like to make assumptions, since that is part of who I am. However, I think that is part of every ones make-up. There was a time when I never looked up from my work for eight hours a day. Then I came home to cook, wash clothes, help get the children’s home work, get everyone bathed and in bed. The same routine was followed the next day. My husband was good to help me. I doubt that I could have told you who the U.S. president was at that time. Since my days of retirement I have become more acquainted with the presidents, the senators, the representatives, and many, many more people who turn this world up side down every day. I am glad to be an outsider looking in. Of course I am one of the voters who help people to represent me. Yes I am an insider to my small group of friends, who like me, chat and spat, and threaten to tell them off if they make me mad. I can do that on twitter and face book. No kidding, I am thankful for all the blessings I still receive daily from my Lord. I know I am not worthy, but He blesses me anyway. What I would rather do more than anything else for the rest of my life is to make people happy, and take away all pain. Thank God that day is coming for us all. Fear and doubt are two of the strongest enemies we have to deal with, but be assured that God will do anything for us that we will let Him do. If we feel distant from him, guess who moved. Time to move back.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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