Sunday, March 27, 2016

"Easter Snow Under The Moon"

 Early this Easter morning the moon was shinning down on a blnket of snow in Perryton, Texas. 3-27-2017
Snow covered apple tree on Easter morning in Perryton, Texas. My back yard was beautiful. 3-27-2016.

I woke up early this Easter morning to see a great surprise in my back yard. Every tree was covered with snow, and the ground looked like a white carpet was laid over it. The moon was shinning bright. What a beautiful scene of Mother Nature. I can’t remember seeing snow where I have lived on a Easter Sunday. At this time, a few hours later, the sun is shinning bright. One needs sun shades to go outside. I think God showed me through this unusual happening that He is watching over me, and will heal my bleeding heart from losing my son, Rick, yesterday. As most of you know Rick left yesterday for Houston to seek more professional medical help for his illness. He had been living with me for eleven months. I have taken it like I have lost him forever. God didn’t leave me hopeless. He will help me through this awful time, and bring back my joy.

My next step forward is to get out of my house, and go away where I can be alone, except with God by my side, to meditate upon His past blessings, and to wait for a refreshing renewal for a blessed future. I will be going to Oklahoma City on the 19 of April for a doctor’s appointment. I plan to stay there with two of my sisters for about a week. I also have a dear friend who lives there who has invited me to spend some time with her. If I didn’t have this appointment, made from a year ago, I would not be getting out of my house. God knows how to get us where we need to go. Its strange how grief can glue you to your bed with only a T V to keep you company. Absolutely not a good remedy for sorrow. I will go, and I will enjoy regardless of the temptation to stay home.

Nothing can be more sweeter than sitting with two sisters in a motel room smiling at you while you sing to them. While I was blessing them they were in turn blessing me. This kind of relationship has happened many times in the past, and I’m ready for it to happen again. Both of my sisters have had surgery just two weeks apart within the last six weeks. I didn’t get to go be with them, because I was caring for Rick, but now that he’s gone I need to go. I believe God will make a way for the three of us to be together again without anyone else around. I won’t be singing for them this time, but we can share our tears. It should happen at least once a year. My sisters also needs some space away from a tiring job of taking care of dependant children, older, but dependant. I am thankful that we came from a family who believes you must care for those who are in need., especially if its your own. We do our best, and God does the rest. Some day we all will be judged.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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