Saturday, March 26, 2016

"A Mother's Love Never Fades"

          My son, Rick Sharp, taken at my house a few years ago. 3-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This has been a sad day for me. After seven hours of crying, I am finally getting myself together. My son, Rick, who has had some serious health issues, left this morning to go be with his daughters in Houston, Texas. He had lived with me for eleven months. He loved so much being back in his childhood home with me, and I was loving having him with me. The past five months has been very tough on us all. Rick has been in the hospitals several times, and although the doctors always got him through his terrible sickness, they could not find what the basis of the trouble was. Rick made numerous trips to Amarillo, Texas to have MRI’s made, and many blood test run still the doctors were not able to diagnose his problem. He was going to be sent to another round of doctors in Amarillo so Rick and I, along with his two daughters, thought it was best for him to go to Houston where he could have access to more professional doctors. One of his daughters is a surgical nurse, and she has been talking with the doctors that she works with about her dad. They encouraged her to bring him there, but Rick was not strong enough to make the trip at the time. The Lord touched his body after I brought him home to die, and he gained eighteen pounds. We were so happy, and Rick was trying hard to keep his faith, but after three months he started to throw up his food again, and was losing weight fast. He was able to drive himself to Houston, so we loaded his things up this morning and he left. It was as hard on me as was when I lost my husband three years ago. I don’t know how much more I have to take, but the Lord never fails to comfort me when I am deeply grieved. I lost my loving brother, who was helping me get over losing my husband, just six months after my husband died. It was totally unexpected, and I still haven’t gotten over that. The pain of grief nearly takes my breath at times, but I am made stronger after every attack. I am so thankful for the love of God which surpasses all understanding.

While Rick was with me he did so many wonderful things for me. He was just a loving guy whom everyone liked. Every where I look I see his finger prints, and smell his sweetness. The tears just don’t seem to stop. I know he probably will get better after he finds some good doctor’s in Houston, but it seems like the Lord is preparing me for the worst. I miss him already like I can never explain. God was so good to let me keep Rick with me for 62 years. He became disabled about three years ago, but managed to keep his job until he could retire. He called me a few minutes ago to let me know he had reached Forth Worth, and was relaxing in his motel room. His voice was so sweet, and I was able to come and write this blog. Thanks to everyone who have been praying for Rick. It means so much to me,

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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