Monday, November 30, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Wipes My Tears Away"

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Wipes My Tears Away":                     Weird December clouds. Taken at 2;45 p.m. on 11-30-2015 Perryton, Texas. I am not sure what these clouds mean, but ...

"Jesus Wipes My Tears Away"

                    Weird December clouds. Taken at 2;45 p.m. on 11-30-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I am not sure what these clouds mean, but they certainly are weird looking. We have had snow on the ground for four days, but is melting a lot today. I am not able to see any action at all in the skies today, except for rolling, dark, clouds. I suppose the usual amount of jets are still flying, but I just can’t see them. It makes for a lonely day when the jets can’t be seen, or the birds be heard chatting and singing merrily. I long for spring, already. Even when there is no snow I don’t like getting out in the cold and driving. I can pass a lot of time away with my painting, but since Rick has been sick I have put that away for awhile. I cannot be my best when I have a son who is not doing too well. I know I need to, but this mother has to stay dedicated 100 percent to her children even though they are grown. Rick has no one but me to help him, and he would be helping me if the situation was different. He was a big help when he first came to stay with me. I will never let him go as long as God will allow me to keep him.

As I was leaving the grocery store a short time ago, I met an old friend coming in to buy food to take to a café at our lake about twenty miles away. She has a daughter who operates that nice eating place. This is about the third year my friend has helped her daughter to run that place. The mother is 90 years old and uses a cane to walk with, yet she was out in this bad, cold weather getting supplies for the café. She greeted me with an amazingly strong voice saying, “hello Jean, how are you?” It was too cold to tarry and speak very long, but I cannot believe this dear soul’s courage. Of course her dedicated Christian life to Jesus has kept the joy and strength she displays daily. She lives here in town, and drives the twenty mile trip from once to twice every day. She is not the only friend I have had that equaled that Godly strength and courage. I hope I can join them by reaching their age and still be faithfully working for my Lord. I pray God’s blessing upon them daily. It does get harder for everyone each day, but the reward gets greater.

Only those who have their faith anchored in God can endure the hardship and sometimes beatings that are placed on them even by loved ones. Jesus never complained, and I hope I can be a lot like Him. I know with every lash I am made stronger. I would much rather take the lashing than to give it. “Help me Lord to hold out till the end.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Battle Is Brewing"

Jean's Comment's: "The Battle Is Brewing": Sad situation. Second crop of asparagus has given its life over to Mr. Winter. Four days ago it still stood 6' tall. 11-19-2015 Perryt...

"The Battle Is Brewing"

Sad situation. Second crop of asparagus has given its life over to Mr. Winter. Four days ago it still stood 6' tall. 11-19-2015 Perryton, Tesas.
                        Nothing but gray skies all around the globe. 11-29-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Dark gray skies cover our part of the world this morning. I am anxiously waiting to see the sun. I didn’t have to wait long. As I look out my window now, I can see the sky is getting brighter. Isn’t this just like our God? He knows just what we need. Oh, how I love Him more each day.

This Sunday morning I am at home caring for Rick. He is doing better each day, but still has a ways to go. He ate a good breakfast for the first time since he’s been home from the hospital. He thinks he is beginning to get his taste buds back. He is feeling well enough to have vigorous, political, discussions with me. That is a game we both like to play. It got pretty boring around here for awhile. We are back in full swing with this political war among American citizens. I believe that we are facing the biggest civil war that America has ever known. “A war of religion.” Many of us may lose our lives, but we won’t lose our souls. That is if we have dedicated our lives to Jesus. Prayer is our greatest tool, and it cannot be taken from our hearts. I love my comfortable home, and all the privileges that go with it, but I am ready to trade it anytime for a eternal home in heaven. By God’s grace the deal has already been made. I just ask God for peace until that time.

I am totally convinced that disastrous times are ahead of us, because of the soaring, sinning nation we have become. The fools multiplied faster than the wise. Why did this happen? Because God wanted His own to be thoroughly tested and tried. He would not accept seconds. What should that mean to you and me? Face the fire and trust God to shield us. He said He was our shield and our buckler. He also said, the battle was His, and not ours. That does not mean we are free from the battle. It means while we put our best effort into winning this war, the end results will be decided by Him. I believe we are expected to ask, and trust Him for guidance before we take a stand for the ones we want to put into our leadership offices‘. We must remember our feeble minds are nothing but trash without His direction. How many times can we look back at our track record and decide that God wasn’t really the one who led us into some situations. Maybe we should admit that fact and be more positive the next time we make a big decision. God makes no mistakes, and if we are not sure after a short time of oppression, that we made the right decision, then it probably was not God directing us. I would rather stay in my fox hole than act upon my own feelings.  In fact I would wait until I was assured that it was safe to come out. Am I saying that God will let us know for sure what our next move should be? Absolutely, but we must be directly in touch with Him. If so, He will not fail to hear us when we ask.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Sharing A Recipe For A Blessing"

Jean's Comment's: "Sharing A Recipe For A Blessing":                     Backyard snow still partly covers the ground. 11-28-2015 Perryton, Texas. Two days after Thanksgiving we still have ...

"Sharing A Recipe For A Blessing"

                    Backyard snow still partly covers the ground. 11-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Two days after Thanksgiving we still have snow on the ground. Its been too cold for any to melt. The streets are slick and hardly anyone is driving on them. So thankful for a nice warm home to hole up in. I have to think about all the unfortunate ones who are living on the streets or under bridges. My prayers reach out to them. Far too many people mock, and feel no sympathy  for the underprivileged. Many say, “they brought it all upon themselves.” That may be partly true, but didn’t we all fail in some way or another to do better with our lives. Many of those homeless souls are products of poor up-bringing. They struggled to survive any way they could. Very seldom do you see a beautiful flower growing amongst a bed of thorns, like sandburs or dandelions. Without loving parents, its very hard for young children to manage on their own. Even if a parent is loving, but not able to provide proper care, the child often grows up to be under educated, and resentful of others. There is no way the neglected grown-up child can ever recover from such twisted and hopeless life. I read an article recently where a mayor of a large city believed the only solution to the homeless problem so many cities are dealing with was to euthanize them all. I ask myself the question. Have I done everything possible to keep even one person from becoming homeless? That is a pretty serious question to ask ourselves. Especially if it means one of our own. I feel as if those who have rejected their own will face serious consequences while they themselves live in this world, as well as the after life. I didn’t choose to escape the responsibility of helping my children when they needed help. I may not be as free as a bird, but I am at peace with myself. My joy continues to build, and my faith does deliver me much happiness. I am ruled by the hand of God, and not by human power. If my life ends today I am satisfied with my soul. I do not believe anyone can ever retire from God’s work. If they do, the blessings automatically stop. “Lord help me to hold onto you even in times of great opposition.” 

I do not believe I am preaching to the choir. I felt led to say these words because I feel like some do not understand that each one of us must answer for our deeds while we are here on earth. Very few excuses will suffice. Even those who may be mocking my words, I warn those are God’s words and can be found in the Holy Bible. Contest them if you please, but be prepared for the damnation that will follow. I am but an humble servant, and my life is full of sin, but I ask God each day to forgive and help me do better tomorrow. Most of my sins are not known to me. But the Word tells us that no one is perfect, and we must repent daily.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp            

Friday, November 27, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Snow Covered Leaves"

Jean's Comment's: "Snow Covered Leaves":    The morning after Thanksgiving the ground is covered with snow. 11-27-2015 Perryton, Texas. It certainly has begun to look like winte...

"Snow Covered Leaves"

   The morning after Thanksgiving the ground is covered with snow. 11-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

It certainly has begun to look like winter in Perryton, Texas this morning. Snow has the ground covered, and it is cold. Now is the time to get in the mood for Christmas. This year is nearing the end of a long trying one for me. I am ready to put it behind, and claim a better one for next year. I am made to remember when I was a child how my dad would arise early in the morning after the fist snow, and have a hot burning fire blazing in the big pot-bellied stove before he awakened we children. The first thing we thought after looking outside and seeing the wonderful white piles of snow, was Christmas is coming soon. We children loved Christmas more than any other time of the year. We lived in the country, and a creek ran through our land. We started early searching for the perfect cedar tree we would cut for our Christmas tree. When mom said, “o k kids its time to cut the tree,” we were gone in a flash. It was within walking distance, and we usually drug the tree all the way to the house. It was such a thrill to make a stand and nail the tree to it, then start using our creative minds to decorate it. After all these years I have never learned to enjoy the new artificial trees that most people use. Christmas is just not the same anymore. But is anything the same? The old saying that goes, “from rags to riches,” is suggestive of our country. We have made so many scientific advances since my childhood days, till I sometimes feel ancient. My dad and mom did move into town after I was married, and they had gas heaters for replacing the wood stoves. I have to say I loved going to their house in town, and enjoying the warm, coziness of the same love they brought with them from the country. My mom was so happy to be cooking her great meals on a gas range with temperature  settings on the oven. Her food could not be better than the old type of cooking, but she thought it was. My dad was pleased that mom was happier in town, but he never loved it like the country. My two younger sisters don’t remember the country life, and they envy the endurance of we other children for managing to turn our problems into blessings. They were the new birth of a new life that my parents knew little about. Our parents  had to learn a lot of new stuff themselves. Next-door neighbors were almost like live-ins to my parents. The neighbors felt so welcome to come over and enjoy the positive attitude my parents had. After all my mom felt like she had moved from a hard life to a heavenly life. It didn’t make any difference to my dad about his positive attitude, where ever he lived.  He was the same wherever he warmed his home. He always felt like he was a pilgrim traveling to a land of milk and honey. I cherish the memories of my parents.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Today I Remembered To Count My Blessings"

Jean's Comment's: "Today I Remembered To Count My Blessings":                 Happy Thanksgiving dinner from our table to yours. 11-26-2015 Perryton, Texas. We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinne...

"Today I Remembered To Count My Blessings"

                Happy Thanksgiving dinner from our table to yours. 11-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner today. How thankful I am for all that God provides for us. I pray that everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We can never forget how the Pilgrims set this day up in 1621 to give thanks unto God for all He had done for them. Three hundred and ninety four years later we, the descendants of those early Pilgrims, are still observing that special day. I can’t say that all Americans are still honoring that day, because from 1621 until now, 2015, many foreigners have come to this country and want to change our traditions. For every true American faith and hope cannot be stripped from their powerful belief in God, and Jesus Christ. All good men are at war with evil, but evil cannot prevail. Jesus left that promise with us before He died on the cross. I will never doubt that statement for anything but truth. Some may try to twist it around to mean something else, but no, I believe every promise Jesus made is simple and truthful.

Our yards this rainy day is covered with falling leaves. A typical fall day when harvest has ended, and the year’s crop production is celebrated by families and churches coming together to feast and give thanks unto God. For folks who live in the country falling leaves are no problem, but for those who live in town one must start raking vigorously. If not they begin to pile up in huge stacks, and then settle to the ground when any moister covers them. The wind can never be strong enough to blow them away. It is my most dreaded time of the year. It used to be fun, but not so much any more. It’s always nice when the last leaf has fallen, and all have been raked up and put in the dumpster. The bare ground seems ready for spring to start any time now. Of course much rain and snow must fall and fill the earth with moister before the ground starts to green up and shoots forth sprigs of flowers, and new trees that are not needed. I cut down and put root-killer on these suckers a lot every spring, otherwise my yard would be a jungle very soon.

It was nice to have had my two oldest sons with me today for Thanksgiving dinner. I missed having my other two children, but they have families of their own and must share their blessings with them. I am thankful that they can do that. The family tree does branch out and must be pruned to maintain all the new limbs. Thank God it just keeps growing, and looking very healthy. This tree never sheds a leaf. It stays lively and bears fruit the year round. This is my “tree of life.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Art Work In The Sky"

Jean's Comment's: "Art Work In The Sky": A sun so bright I had to close my eyes while taking the picture. How could I ask more from God? 11-25-2015 Perryton, Texas. I just came ...

"Art Work In The Sky"

A sun so bright I had to close my eyes while taking the picture. How could I ask more from God? 11-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I just came from the store after purchasing the turkey and other items to fix a Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. The store was so crowded I could hardly get down the aisles. As far as I know I will just have three people for dinner, but I will plan for more. I could not buy a turkey under 13 pounds, and that is enough for several people. I have always loved fixing Thanksgiving dinners. This special day was always celebrated by my family while I was growing up. We never failed to have twenty or more family members and friends for the turkey and dressing dinner. Not to mention all the other good stuff like pumpkin pie and candied sweet potatoes. My mother and grandmother were wonderful cooks, and I am following their recipes to the best of my memory. They always made everything from scratch, and even to this day I will not cheat by buying prepared pies or stove-top dressing like I saw so many doing today. Corn bread dressing with giblet gravy is a must. Cranberry sauce I will buy already  jelled in the can. Also whipped cream I will buy in a tub, but that’s about all that I will bargain for.

The sun I have posted had changed settings since I first noticed it while driving to the store. It had a large blue-lacy halo all around it making it so beautiful  I had not taken my camera, and when I got home the lacy garment had been striped from it, although it was still extremely bright. I love the art work I am so privileged to view in the sky whether it be daytime or nighttime. It makes me want to get out my brush and palette and start showing off my own creative ideas. It seems like I have to hurry, hurry to get everything painted that I am so anxious to do. I put a part of myself in every painting I finish. This is the life of an artist. My first pencil sketch of a church is the oldest piece of my own art in my possession. I was six years old because my signature and date is on the sketch. My father kept it locked up in a metal box until he passed on. My brother became the owner after that, and he passed it on to me. If for no other reason I hope one of my children will keep it as a tribute from my father. It will always speak of his love to me.

My kitchen is calling me to work. I must obey and get busy preparing things for dinner tomorrow. Again I pray that all of my readers will have a very happy Thanksgiving, and remember to pray for our country.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Sun Bathing Bird"

Jean's Comment's: "A Sun Bathing Bird": A sun bathing bird is my focal point today. The sun is extra bright. 11-24-2015 Perryton, Texas. The sun is to the back of the bird. It ...

"A Sun Bathing Bird"

A sun bathing bird is my focal point today. The sun is extra bright. 11-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.
The sun is to the back of the bird. It is the bright spot on the screen. I focused in and it is really big. 11-24-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This evening is phenomenon. The sky is showing off a really bright sun, and  a bird perched a top a pole is obviously enjoying the warmth of nature. I watched it spread it’s wings and make several turns while sitting on the pole for quite some time. The sinking sun was going down over the housetop across my alley, but the heat was still reaching out to warm the lively hood. My faith was beginning to click in, and I felt so close to God. I know I can’t predict the future, but I also know the future is in God’s hands. I almost feel as if I’m on a roller coaster. Positive one day, and negative the next. I am holding on to a strong anchor, and I am sure I will not sink if I have to give up another loved one in my family. Money cannot buy the peace I have at this time. Today started off so nicely, but after a couple of hours of hefty exercise getting in and out of the car taking care of business, and making a visit to the doctor, Rick has since been lying down. His food intake has been very low today. His strength has not returned, but he has just been out of the hospital for three days. I feel sure he will be better tomorrow. He reminds me so much of his dad, and my husband, till I am feeling blessed to have him in my care.

I have put a few things I was daily involved in on hold, but I expect to be back to normal in a few days. I do want to thank everyone who have been praying for us. I certainly can feel the strength from those faithful words you are saying to Jesus. And to Jan, a friend I met while Rick was in the hospital at Fort Worth, I am feeling the effect of your prayers. You were so encouraging, and I believe God sent me an angel when we met up at the cafeteria. I am still praying for your sister. Today my heart was also warmed by friend’s smiles, and hello’s while I was with Rick on his business trips. God does have a way of keeping us strong and up lifted. I will praise Him all the rest of my life.

Tomorrow will be a day of resting for Rick. He has a few things to do on the computer, but will not have to be out running around. I have faith to believe he can catch up on all the important business he has had to let go for several weeks. Little by little he will get everything back under control. Insurance is a big hassle for him at this time. Since his retirement last April he has had to get new insurance. He was lucky enough to sign on with a great company, but he thinks after the first of the year he will have to change. Everyone is having trouble keeping insurance these days, according to Rick’s doctor. I am so glad I do not have to worry about mine since I am on Medicare. My golden years are good for something.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Monday, November 23, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "Safe At Home"

Jean's Comment's: "Safe At Home": My son, Rick, pushing lawn mower this past summer on my back yard. 2015. These past few months has brought him down to total disability. 1...

"Safe At Home"

My son, Rick, pushing lawn mower this past summer on my back yard. 2015. These past few months has brought him down to total disability. 11-23-2015 Perryton, Texas.

It is so good to be home after 12 days spent in a motel room in Fort Worth, Texas while my son, Rick, was recovering in a hospital bed with a serious bowl obstruction. We had traveled to Fort Worth the night before to spend one night in the motel so Rick could keep an appointment the next morning with his pain-management doctor at 8:30. We were to be on our way back home by 9:00 a.m. During the night Rick became deathly sick. I called an ambulance and he was taken to the Harris Methodist hospital emergency room at 4:00 a.m. I rode with the ambulance to the hospital and didn’t have a way back to the motel, which was several miles. I have a few family members and friends living in Fort Worth, and even with their busy work schedule and several miles from my motel and the hospital, they were able to assist me with my handicap. I have never driven in Fort Worth and knew nothing about the locality of anything. My car was never moved unless someone else was driving it. Twelve days of totally depending upon someone else to take me to and from the hospital, and also to buy some cloths since I only took an overnight change, can be very hectic. I tried to keep food and drinks in the room, since no decent eating places were close. We were not kept informed on Rick’s condition, but we could tell it was serious if not critical, although the doctor kept saying, maybe in two or three days he could be released if he didn’t have to have surgery. We were to learn Rick had three doctors treating him all through his stay in the Hospital. Each one had to sign off on their particular type of profession. Rick was also recovering from a broken hip surgery from just two weeks prior. He still had the staples in his hip wound and also knee. As always God was on the scene, and sent me wonderful help. I had calls from family and friends who lived hundreds of miles away offer to come and help me. I just wasn’t going to allow that. Then after a few attempts to reach a niece and nephew they there immediately there to help me. My niece  cancelled her cruise trip and had her husband to take his father in her place, because my only other source of help at the time was going to be out of town a few days. What a miracle she turned out to be. She was trained in nursing care and was able to look at Rick’s chart and see everything that had happened since he had been admitted. She was going by red check marks made on each one of Rick’s problems, which were many. She eased our fears by seeing on that chart that he had continuously improved since entering the hospital. Although she thought he still had a way to go yet. I had been out of blood-pressure medicine for four days, and thought it was necessary to try and get some approved by my family pharmacy. It was not east, and it cost me over $2.00 a pill to get them. I settled wit 7 pills, and bought several things to eat in my motel room. Then miraculously the doctors all signed off on Rick’s case late that same evening. My niece came and picked me up to go to the hospital to get him. We stayed in the motel room another night and left for home the next morning. We arrived home about 4:00 p.m. Rick was very tired and was enduring quite a lot of pain, but is doing better this morning. This was a terrible test for me, but God never puts more on us than what we can endure. I thank Him with all my heart, and have asked Him to bless all of those who blessed me.

Thanks also to all my readers who have been checking my blogs since I have been gone. I hope to be back to writing about the blessings of God soon. The time is upon us to trust Him with all our heart. No one human being can help us like God, even though God furnishes us with others love and concern. We are his arms and legs, also mouth. Let us be led by His Spirit and do His will.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "The Birds Of The Air Are Encouraging"

Jean's Comment's: "The Birds Of The Air Are Encouraging":                   Bird can be seen at lower left sitting on bare limb. 11-10-2015 Perryton, Texas. This bird is sitting in dead limbs ab...

"The Birds Of The Air Are Encouraging"

                  Bird can be seen at lower left sitting on bare limb. 11-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This bird is sitting in dead limbs about 1/3 of center of picture. It is barley visible. 11-5-2015

 It was so exciting this morning when I opened my front door and heard loud noises like that of the sound of small children yelling at each other. Birds were flying everywhere. But they didn’t stay still long enough to let me take a picture. It was obvious that they were planning something. I don’t know how long this had been going on, but it lasted about ten minutes after I opened the door. I assume every bird got their orders from the leader of the flock. A beautiful morning, and a beautiful sound of bird music even though it sounded serious. I didn’t plan to post a blog today, but the excitement of bird’s loud chatter was too exciting to pass up. Most of today will be spent in making plans to leave early in the morning to take Rick to Fort Worth for a doctor’s appointment. With a broken hip it takes a lot of planning to take him by car about 400 miles. It is very painful for him to move at all. This appointment was very important for his daily survival due to pain caused many years ago by a fall from a high ladder. The doctor he is seeing is the only one he could find to prescribe this strong medication, and he has to be present in person every three months to renew his prescription. There was no way to reschedule his appointment without a long period between without any pain medication at all. We have made it work out with the doctor releasing him from the hospital early. We give God all the praise, and the birds this morning were encouraging. We should be back home on Thursday, the 12 th. The weather is suppose to remain nice through that date.

I have missed a lot of news since Rick’s accident, but I will be watching the GOP candidate’s debate tonight. This is so important to me. Our future is at stake, and we need to be sure of who we will be voting for. With God’s help we will come out victorious. Our prayers will also please God, and He will not forget us in times of great need of Him. Two words God gave me years ago to remember is, “Trust Me, Trust Me.” I cannot ever forget those words. They have not failed me once. Fear is always going to grip us from time to time, but if we will remember those two words we will always come out victorious. Let us not hesitate to claim God’s promises, and be quick to give Him praise and glory. Sometimes I think I say out loud, “ thank You Lord a dozen or more times a day.” It makes me feel so blessed. Thanking God is the most honorable thing we can do for ourselves. We can feel important when we know we are God’s own children, and in spite of our mistakes He still loves us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Perrryton, Texas.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Jean's Comment's: "A Broken Hip A Fighting Spirit"

Jean's Comment's: "A Broken Hip A Fighting Spirit": My granddaughter, Angela Farquer, at motel room in Amarillo, Texas. Wearing an old pair of jeans with the crouch cut for head for a top....

"A Broken Hip A Fighting Spirit"

My granddaughter, Angela Farquer, at motel room in Amarillo, Texas. Wearing an old pair of jeans with the crouch cut for head for a top. 11-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Rayna and Angela by their dad's hospital bed. Rick recovering from broken hip. 11-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I have had to be away from home for several days due to my son, Rick, haven broken a hip. He was in the Amarillo hospital for four days, and is now recovering in our local hospital in Perryton, Texas. His two daughters, Angela and Rayna, came to be with him from Houston, Texas. Rick was so glad to have them by his side. They made his hospital stay more endurable. In the motel room four of us relaxed and took pictures of very funny sights. Angela thinks she has a new invention and dressed in the pair of old jeans she had turned into a sexy top by cutting a hole in the crouch for her head. We all had lots of laughs as she modeled many different poses of the hilarious outfit she had created. We rested well at night and spent most of the days with Rick in the hospital room. I am so thankful that God was with us all the time we were there.

Wednesday Chuck and I will be driving Rick to Fort Worth to keep an appointment with a pain management doctor he has been seeing regularly for years. The appointment could not be changed for less than six months away. Rick was not able to be without his pain medicine so we are having to get him there although it is going to be difficult. It has been eight days since he broke his hip. Again we know God will be with us. God never promised us a life without pain and suffering. He did promise us He would never leave us to bare it alone, I thank Him for the peace He gives us to endure. I can’t say this is a trip we’re looking forward to, but I can say I know it will not be as bad as Satan tries to make us believe. All things are for a reason, and I know we will understand it better later on. I feel blessed, and am positive I will be more blessed in the future.

When I return home I will try to catch up on my lost time of writing my blogs. I have been off the comment section for eight days now. I was totally overwhelmed when I pulled up my web site tonight and saw so many viewers that had clicked on to my blog since I had last written one. I do appreciate everyone so much, and pray each night for God’s blessings to rest upon them all. We never know what our calling is for sure, but we know God calls us all for something. I trust I haven’t missed mine. I also trust I never leave any resentment inside me. That is sometimes a hard thing to do, but it must, absolutely must, be done.

I hope to be back on track with my blog in a few days. Until then I pray all will stay safe and well, and enjoy every minute of your days and nights.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp