Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"Art Work In The Sky"

A sun so bright I had to close my eyes while taking the picture. How could I ask more from God? 11-25-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I just came from the store after purchasing the turkey and other items to fix a Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. The store was so crowded I could hardly get down the aisles. As far as I know I will just have three people for dinner, but I will plan for more. I could not buy a turkey under 13 pounds, and that is enough for several people. I have always loved fixing Thanksgiving dinners. This special day was always celebrated by my family while I was growing up. We never failed to have twenty or more family members and friends for the turkey and dressing dinner. Not to mention all the other good stuff like pumpkin pie and candied sweet potatoes. My mother and grandmother were wonderful cooks, and I am following their recipes to the best of my memory. They always made everything from scratch, and even to this day I will not cheat by buying prepared pies or stove-top dressing like I saw so many doing today. Corn bread dressing with giblet gravy is a must. Cranberry sauce I will buy already  jelled in the can. Also whipped cream I will buy in a tub, but that’s about all that I will bargain for.

The sun I have posted had changed settings since I first noticed it while driving to the store. It had a large blue-lacy halo all around it making it so beautiful  I had not taken my camera, and when I got home the lacy garment had been striped from it, although it was still extremely bright. I love the art work I am so privileged to view in the sky whether it be daytime or nighttime. It makes me want to get out my brush and palette and start showing off my own creative ideas. It seems like I have to hurry, hurry to get everything painted that I am so anxious to do. I put a part of myself in every painting I finish. This is the life of an artist. My first pencil sketch of a church is the oldest piece of my own art in my possession. I was six years old because my signature and date is on the sketch. My father kept it locked up in a metal box until he passed on. My brother became the owner after that, and he passed it on to me. If for no other reason I hope one of my children will keep it as a tribute from my father. It will always speak of his love to me.

My kitchen is calling me to work. I must obey and get busy preparing things for dinner tomorrow. Again I pray that all of my readers will have a very happy Thanksgiving, and remember to pray for our country.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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