Thursday, November 26, 2015

"Today I Remembered To Count My Blessings"

                Happy Thanksgiving dinner from our table to yours. 11-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner today. How thankful I am for all that God provides for us. I pray that everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We can never forget how the Pilgrims set this day up in 1621 to give thanks unto God for all He had done for them. Three hundred and ninety four years later we, the descendants of those early Pilgrims, are still observing that special day. I can’t say that all Americans are still honoring that day, because from 1621 until now, 2015, many foreigners have come to this country and want to change our traditions. For every true American faith and hope cannot be stripped from their powerful belief in God, and Jesus Christ. All good men are at war with evil, but evil cannot prevail. Jesus left that promise with us before He died on the cross. I will never doubt that statement for anything but truth. Some may try to twist it around to mean something else, but no, I believe every promise Jesus made is simple and truthful.

Our yards this rainy day is covered with falling leaves. A typical fall day when harvest has ended, and the year’s crop production is celebrated by families and churches coming together to feast and give thanks unto God. For folks who live in the country falling leaves are no problem, but for those who live in town one must start raking vigorously. If not they begin to pile up in huge stacks, and then settle to the ground when any moister covers them. The wind can never be strong enough to blow them away. It is my most dreaded time of the year. It used to be fun, but not so much any more. It’s always nice when the last leaf has fallen, and all have been raked up and put in the dumpster. The bare ground seems ready for spring to start any time now. Of course much rain and snow must fall and fill the earth with moister before the ground starts to green up and shoots forth sprigs of flowers, and new trees that are not needed. I cut down and put root-killer on these suckers a lot every spring, otherwise my yard would be a jungle very soon.

It was nice to have had my two oldest sons with me today for Thanksgiving dinner. I missed having my other two children, but they have families of their own and must share their blessings with them. I am thankful that they can do that. The family tree does branch out and must be pruned to maintain all the new limbs. Thank God it just keeps growing, and looking very healthy. This tree never sheds a leaf. It stays lively and bears fruit the year round. This is my “tree of life.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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