Monday, November 9, 2015

"A Broken Hip A Fighting Spirit"

My granddaughter, Angela Farquer, at motel room in Amarillo, Texas. Wearing an old pair of jeans with the crouch cut for head for a top. 11-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.
Rayna and Angela by their dad's hospital bed. Rick recovering from broken hip. 11-5-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I have had to be away from home for several days due to my son, Rick, haven broken a hip. He was in the Amarillo hospital for four days, and is now recovering in our local hospital in Perryton, Texas. His two daughters, Angela and Rayna, came to be with him from Houston, Texas. Rick was so glad to have them by his side. They made his hospital stay more endurable. In the motel room four of us relaxed and took pictures of very funny sights. Angela thinks she has a new invention and dressed in the pair of old jeans she had turned into a sexy top by cutting a hole in the crouch for her head. We all had lots of laughs as she modeled many different poses of the hilarious outfit she had created. We rested well at night and spent most of the days with Rick in the hospital room. I am so thankful that God was with us all the time we were there.

Wednesday Chuck and I will be driving Rick to Fort Worth to keep an appointment with a pain management doctor he has been seeing regularly for years. The appointment could not be changed for less than six months away. Rick was not able to be without his pain medicine so we are having to get him there although it is going to be difficult. It has been eight days since he broke his hip. Again we know God will be with us. God never promised us a life without pain and suffering. He did promise us He would never leave us to bare it alone, I thank Him for the peace He gives us to endure. I can’t say this is a trip we’re looking forward to, but I can say I know it will not be as bad as Satan tries to make us believe. All things are for a reason, and I know we will understand it better later on. I feel blessed, and am positive I will be more blessed in the future.

When I return home I will try to catch up on my lost time of writing my blogs. I have been off the comment section for eight days now. I was totally overwhelmed when I pulled up my web site tonight and saw so many viewers that had clicked on to my blog since I had last written one. I do appreciate everyone so much, and pray each night for God’s blessings to rest upon them all. We never know what our calling is for sure, but we know God calls us all for something. I trust I haven’t missed mine. I also trust I never leave any resentment inside me. That is sometimes a hard thing to do, but it must, absolutely must, be done.

I hope to be back on track with my blog in a few days. Until then I pray all will stay safe and well, and enjoy every minute of your days and nights.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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