Tuesday, November 10, 2015

"The Birds Of The Air Are Encouraging"

                  Bird can be seen at lower left sitting on bare limb. 11-10-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This bird is sitting in dead limbs about 1/3 of center of picture. It is barley visible. 11-5-2015

 It was so exciting this morning when I opened my front door and heard loud noises like that of the sound of small children yelling at each other. Birds were flying everywhere. But they didn’t stay still long enough to let me take a picture. It was obvious that they were planning something. I don’t know how long this had been going on, but it lasted about ten minutes after I opened the door. I assume every bird got their orders from the leader of the flock. A beautiful morning, and a beautiful sound of bird music even though it sounded serious. I didn’t plan to post a blog today, but the excitement of bird’s loud chatter was too exciting to pass up. Most of today will be spent in making plans to leave early in the morning to take Rick to Fort Worth for a doctor’s appointment. With a broken hip it takes a lot of planning to take him by car about 400 miles. It is very painful for him to move at all. This appointment was very important for his daily survival due to pain caused many years ago by a fall from a high ladder. The doctor he is seeing is the only one he could find to prescribe this strong medication, and he has to be present in person every three months to renew his prescription. There was no way to reschedule his appointment without a long period between without any pain medication at all. We have made it work out with the doctor releasing him from the hospital early. We give God all the praise, and the birds this morning were encouraging. We should be back home on Thursday, the 12 th. The weather is suppose to remain nice through that date.

I have missed a lot of news since Rick’s accident, but I will be watching the GOP candidate’s debate tonight. This is so important to me. Our future is at stake, and we need to be sure of who we will be voting for. With God’s help we will come out victorious. Our prayers will also please God, and He will not forget us in times of great need of Him. Two words God gave me years ago to remember is, “Trust Me, Trust Me.” I cannot ever forget those words. They have not failed me once. Fear is always going to grip us from time to time, but if we will remember those two words we will always come out victorious. Let us not hesitate to claim God’s promises, and be quick to give Him praise and glory. Sometimes I think I say out loud, “ thank You Lord a dozen or more times a day.” It makes me feel so blessed. Thanking God is the most honorable thing we can do for ourselves. We can feel important when we know we are God’s own children, and in spite of our mistakes He still loves us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Perrryton, Texas.

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