Monday, December 27, 2021

I am so proud of my new 11 model computer my son and daughter-in-law got me for Christmas, Everything plugs in behind the monitor. Of course I am having to learn everything new again, but in time I will get there. That is if my nerves hold out. So far the changing times hasn't lost me yet. Things are suppose to be getting easier and more simple, but one still has to start all over again to get to these simpler things. My best technicians, my son and daughter-in-law, live in Sherman, Texas so I can't depend on them very often. I am sure when the next version of computer technology comes out I will not even try to endure the improved, easier, advanced enlightenment. But I was not ready to give up when my 10 version quite me. Ay 89 I still have a lot yet to be said. I am proudly, but not boastfully saying I have almost reached the 100,000,00 mark of clicks on my blog since I have been writing them. How could I be doing anything else that would please my Lord more than that? I am reminded over, and over of the quote, “only one life life twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.” Some of us need to get it in high gear. I had one of the best Christmas's I have ever had. My son, and daughter-in-law were so much help to me. They both worked to fix everything that had broken down, and cleaned, and trimmed rose bushes in my yard. Grilled two nights with a rack of ribs, and some pork short ribs. Delicious food, and wonderful memory conversations. They spent three nights with me, and I am missing them so much. But they both have jobs at home that people are depending on them for to make great things happen. I am thankful for them to serve God in their own way. I feel so positive about a New Year. I believe God is using His people to do the prophetic work that He needs to encourage His faithful ones while He punishes the unfaithful ones. Yes I do believe we have a plague of disease sent by God to punish the evil who have mocked, and cursed The Almighty God. I believe we are in the beginning time of tribulation the bible speaks of. When it gets to the worse time of tribulation I believe that is when God will send his Son, Jesus, back to take His faithful ones to Heaven. He will appear in a cloud, and many will be left behind. Is it too late for some of us? I hope not. Give it some thought, I pray. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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