Friday, December 31, 2021

“Fear Is The Beginning Of Knowledge” This New Year's Eve of 2022 I am being flooded with memories that makes me cry like a lost child. My precious son, Rick, is so close to me today till I almost can't stand it. We buried him a few month's ago, and I just want to go to the graveyard and spend some time with him. I am having a terrible struggle with trying to fight the evil demon that is trying so hard to take over my joy. The odds are against me because of the global COVID disease that is keeping me mostly at home. If Rick were with me I wouldn't want to go anywhere. But being at home alone day after day can become very dreadful, In the past I have always been with friends on New Year's Eve to watch the old year out, and welcome the new one in. Times are changing fast now, and one has to fight like crazy to keep the enemy from knocking you out. He wants us to think it is God speaking to us with all this scary stuff when it's really him speaking. My mother used to always assure me of that, but she is no longer here on this earth so now I just have to remember her comforting words. No one needs to tell me it is just I having trouble keeping my sanity at this time. All you have to do is watch the news, and you can see it is one of the worst times in centuries that people are dying with the deadly disease or dying from the fear of getting it. I personally have known several in my own circle of friends and family. Even little children are taking their own life for lack of ability to deal with the change they are being put through. Worst of all is the fear of things worsening. Anyone in their right mind can see the demon power that has managed to take control of everything good God had provided for his people. That is enough for anyone to become down in their spiritual life. When is God going to say enough is enough? He does have that power, but for some reason He is holding back. After saying all of this I will be waiting for the New Year to begin with more anger than ever before to fight this ungodly demon that is killing people by the millions. I'm asking everyone to take up their spiritual weapons, and put the devil's army on the run. It can happen if people will quit giving ear to the wrong power. It will take great courage, but please do not give up. Victory is just a short way ahead. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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