Wednesday, September 30, 2020

After The Moon Showed Up

last evening before dark the moon showed up with surprising about it. I thought to myself it's because

Monday, September 21, 2020

The scraps from many garments It's so nice to be home after a week visiting two of my sisters in Oklahoma Cty. I had a great time, but as the old saying goes, theirs no place like home. I made in home in time to attend church last Sunday. I had missed the two previous Sundays. After church everything went right back in order as always. I'm looking forward to next Sunday/ My two sisters are suppose to come to see me this next week end if nothing happens. If they don't make it I will be enjoying a nice pot luck dinner at church in celebration of a couple of newly weds. I'm sure my sisters won't be staying past Sunday, so I may have to miss the special dinner, but that is alright. We will be having another one in November celebrating the note pay-off of our church. I have always enjoyed pot luck dinners at church. I am on the last stitches of finishing up a queen size quilt. I pieced the top several years ago, but put in away without quilting it. Recently I got it out and starting it. Every stitch is by hand, and my fingers are feeling the abuse. My daughter has already told me she wants to be the next in line for this quilt. She said she loved it, because most of the pieces of material are from clothes I made her when she was growing up. She remembers every garment from all the different pieces. Come to think of it that is kind of interesting, and makes for a great keep sake. I won't say how old she is now, but she is a grandmother. No daughter could ever be loved more by a mother than my love for her. I feel that same love for me. Sorry to say, but the blog spot I have used for several years has changed, and I cannot use it any longer. I will try using face book for awhile, but it too may soon change everything. We are living in a fast, changing world now, and I don't like it. As long as they don't take my television I will be fine. I got to keep up with what's going on in this old world even though I can't change anything. I do believe it helps us to make some pretty important decisions sometimes. I think God is the real inventor of all great technology, and that for a special reason. I thank Him for giving me an opportunity to see Him at work every day of my life. I feel same, and secure only because of Him. I feel loved by Him, and know I do not deserve it. His peace is free just for the asking. I ask a lot. How great is our God! How great is our Christian brothers, and sisters whom we share our worship services with! We have so much to be thankful for. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Funny Man With A Serious Message"

Jean's Comment's: "A Funny Man With A Serious Message":                      Funny, but serious at the same time. Read more. 9-6-2020 Perryton, TX   I drove by a used car lot and this guy ...

"A Funny Man With A Serious Message"

                     Funny, but serious at the same time. Read more. 9-6-2020 Perryton, TX

I drove by a used car lot and this guy was making all kinds of motions trying to get people to come and buy a vehicle. It was so funny I had to stop and take a picture. He really was getting a lot of attention if nothing else. It's nice to find something to laugh about theses days since most people are very depressed about our country. I don't think patience is going to help the situation, as seemingly that is what our traitors are asking for. I believe it is going to take a full-fledged war in order to redeem our country. The longer we hold off the more apt we are to give more time for the enemy to carry out their plan. They already have several back-up plans just waiting to be used as they are needed for them to completely destroy our country. I can see nothing but an awful battle coming after the election is over. I believe several of our Perryton wise men, and women have been seeing this coming for quite some time, and have made some preparations for it. A few months ago the decisions were made to make some changes in our small community that people thought was crazy. Now we are beginning to think those crazy leaders made some wise changes. I won't go into detail as to what I have in mind, but I must not be the only one who is seeing through this. I can say I am glad to be living here more than any other place during these troubling times. We do have some mighty sharpshooters here. We also have some faith-dwellers who I hope will be able to keep down a lot of violence.

Let me tell you what I think. I hope I am at least partly wrong. I believe we have a President who will not give into defeat to our enemies. I believe he has been chosen by The Almighty God to take the rulership of this country when worse comes to worse. I believe that is the last thing this President would want to do, but has the guts to do it. I believe he has a big majority of the people to stand with him, and do what has to be done. I even believe God will give victory without a long, drawn-out bloody battle. I truly believe that so much till I have peace even believing that. I say, let us not let this evil linger on any longer. It's plain that there will be no end without a civil war. Let us take the power God gave us to heart, and stop this evil destruction of our Christian Nation. I believe it could happen before the election, and if not shortly after.

I plan to attend a meeting next week with some fellow, local citizens who are forming a committee to help President Trump win this battle. We will be making a start, and this meeting is not just any old meeting. There are some very serious leaders who will be attending. For any of you who would like to attend this meeting who strongly believe our President needs our help just call our City Mayor, Carrie Symons, and be counted for a sack lunch that will be provided for just $10.00. This special meeting will be this Wednesday, September 9. pre lunch time. You need to make the call no later than Monday.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp  

Friday, September 4, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "A Day To Rest From Labor"

Jean's Comment's: "A Day To Rest From Labor": My flag of glory. I love it now, and forever. Much blood has been shed for me to fly this flag. Thank you Lord, and all your warriors for ...

"A Day To Rest From Labor"

My flag of glory. I love it now, and forever. Much blood has been shed for me to fly this flag. Thank you Lord, and all your warriors for making it possible. 9-4-2020 Perryton, TX

My flag is waving proudly this Labor Day week-end. My neighbors are waving theirs also. We all are claiming victory for our great nation, and President Trump. The President is speaking at this time telling us how much the ecomony has improved since the liberals, with the help of China, shut it down. The unemployment is down a lot, and everything is looking great for America again. After the fourth time the democrats have failed again to destroy our country. They did destroy a lot of lives, and billions of dollars of tax payer's money, but their goal was to hand America over to China before they got brought to justice for their terrible crimes. The war against evil is not over, but we do have the enemy running fast to avoid the death sentence. I predict they will get caught in time. They cannot hide from God, and He will not let them get by without punishment. How thankful I am to have a just God. Everyone gets what they deserve, and without repentence they cannot ever have peace. I fear many will die in their unforgiven sin.

The bible tells us that one day to God is like a thousand years to us. Those of us who think we are getting old, probably are like imfants to God. Maybe that is why He has so much patience with us. The bible also teaches at some point in our lives we reach the age of accountability. In saying that I believe everyone is equal in God's eyes. He has no favorites. That should make us all want to shout. To any who are seeking agreement from others, let me tell you that may be nice, but the only One who matters about our life style is our Heavenly Father. We must have a one on one friendship with Jesus. He must come first even before our family. When we make Jesus first in our lives He will take care of all our problems. He will even give us pleasure, and freedom to enjoy our life, just like our earthly fathers did. So to all who are trusting God, have a great Labor Day week-end, and don't forget to honor your Heavenly Father in everything you do. He will bring you home safely, and refill your serious mind with the task you must do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "Playing A Game With Two Fighting Hopefuls"

Jean's Comment's: "Playing A Game With Two Fighting Hopefuls": A few supports have shown up early for the game. Thank God for never-give-uppers. 9-3-2020 Perryton, TX The Perryton Ranger football p...

"Playing A Game With Two Fighting Hopefuls"

A few supports have shown up early for the game. Thank God for never-give-uppers. 9-3-2020 Perryton, TX

The Perryton Ranger football players will play their second game of the season tonight. Their first game with Dalhart was cut short last week after a transformer blew at the field, and they had to quit near the second half. Like everything else at this time in our great America, the football sport is second to none. It's very hard for our Perryton boys to keep the spirit going, although they are still putting everything they have into it. The team is playing the Childress Bobcats tonight, with the Bobcats winning their first game with Panhandle. 1-0. I have to wonder how much longer the football sport will continue. Can we as a nation ever recover from this awful plague the liberal left, with China's help, put on us? It is not only the football players who are having a hard time, the entire country is struggling to keep going. If only people would realize that the only way things will get better is to call upon God, and when He answers we must not forget and go back to the old sinful ways. It could mean that many more will die before the paeple wake up. All the Christians can do is pray, and take the knocks that comes with evil people mocking God. We are in the world with those evil doers so we must suffer as an innocent bystander. God will be there beside us though, and will make things better to endure. I am saying these things because I am now reading the Old Testament, and it is making a believer out of me. God does not lie, and He is not a coward. He demands respect now, and forever. There were usually forty yesrs or more between the ponishment phase in the Israelits time, but God never failed to do what He said He would do. God is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. We can have peace if we trust, and obey His command.

I don't like writing blogs like this, but I do not believe I can be exempt from it. We as Christians have a duty to speak for God, whether we like it or not. I want to continue to be blessed by my Heavenly Father. Jesus said, “not my will, but thine be done.” Can we expect more favor than Jesus? We don't deserve any part of what Jesus conquered, but because of Him we can share His wonderful victory. So I say to all let us face these troubling times with thanksgiving that Jesus paved the way for us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Jean's Comment's: "One Tall Gracious Lady"

Jean's Comment's: "One Tall Gracious Lady":     Who is she? Does she exist? I think so, but can't identify her. 9-2-2020 Perryton, TX This painting I did some time ago prompt...

"One Tall Gracious Lady"

    Who is she? Does she exist? I think so, but can't identify her. 9-2-2020 Perryton, TX

This painting I did some time ago prompted me to write a little story that I have no proof of. The character just appeared in my mind one day, at least the best I remember I think that is what happened. I probably got some help from a few other sources, but I never saw a tall lady anywhere in reality. Several times I have started to shorten the woman lying on the couch, but for some reason I felt like it should remain as is. Somewhere I believe there is a person who would identify with this picture. I used my own living room as a backgrown exccept I do not have a couch like this one. My couch is a half circle, and covers two walls. It would not have worked for this tall lady. I think of this lady as being unappreciative of her height, but has the courage to charm through her other features. I idealize a person with this exultation. At least I feel like this lady has made it to the top in many ways. She is a success in what she wished to be.

While we all do not want to be admired by an audience, we do need to be the best person we can possibly be. In some ways we need to twinkle like the stars, and go with the flow. We need not to think that our ways are the only way. Thank God for making everyone different. Thank God that I don't want to be anyone else, just who God made me to be. That may mean I don't always get invited to the social gatherings, but I could care less. God will use me wherever He choses. I do appreciate talented, and special speakers, dedicated, and working for a good cause, but we have to forfiet some things for impossible reasons. Therefore, I accept the can, and cant's and thank God that I could have had much pleasure if things had been different. I am interested mostly for one purpose, that is to make it to heaven, and be reunited with all my loved ones, and friends. I believe that is what everyone should be working for daily. I don't want to rock my way into heaven. I want to go in shouting. I want to be one of those Saints that go marching in. Until such time may I be a blessing, and enjoy evey day I have left here on earth. I have too much of God's love to be always critizing someone, although I do believe we must avoid the very appearance of evil. God told us to do so in His Word. I am a strong supported of President Trump, and I hardly every sign off without acknowledging that. I truly believe he is God's man for America at this time. I do all I can for him, and he appreciates everything I do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp