Friday, September 4, 2020

"A Day To Rest From Labor"

My flag of glory. I love it now, and forever. Much blood has been shed for me to fly this flag. Thank you Lord, and all your warriors for making it possible. 9-4-2020 Perryton, TX

My flag is waving proudly this Labor Day week-end. My neighbors are waving theirs also. We all are claiming victory for our great nation, and President Trump. The President is speaking at this time telling us how much the ecomony has improved since the liberals, with the help of China, shut it down. The unemployment is down a lot, and everything is looking great for America again. After the fourth time the democrats have failed again to destroy our country. They did destroy a lot of lives, and billions of dollars of tax payer's money, but their goal was to hand America over to China before they got brought to justice for their terrible crimes. The war against evil is not over, but we do have the enemy running fast to avoid the death sentence. I predict they will get caught in time. They cannot hide from God, and He will not let them get by without punishment. How thankful I am to have a just God. Everyone gets what they deserve, and without repentence they cannot ever have peace. I fear many will die in their unforgiven sin.

The bible tells us that one day to God is like a thousand years to us. Those of us who think we are getting old, probably are like imfants to God. Maybe that is why He has so much patience with us. The bible also teaches at some point in our lives we reach the age of accountability. In saying that I believe everyone is equal in God's eyes. He has no favorites. That should make us all want to shout. To any who are seeking agreement from others, let me tell you that may be nice, but the only One who matters about our life style is our Heavenly Father. We must have a one on one friendship with Jesus. He must come first even before our family. When we make Jesus first in our lives He will take care of all our problems. He will even give us pleasure, and freedom to enjoy our life, just like our earthly fathers did. So to all who are trusting God, have a great Labor Day week-end, and don't forget to honor your Heavenly Father in everything you do. He will bring you home safely, and refill your serious mind with the task you must do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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