Wednesday, September 2, 2020

"One Tall Gracious Lady"

    Who is she? Does she exist? I think so, but can't identify her. 9-2-2020 Perryton, TX

This painting I did some time ago prompted me to write a little story that I have no proof of. The character just appeared in my mind one day, at least the best I remember I think that is what happened. I probably got some help from a few other sources, but I never saw a tall lady anywhere in reality. Several times I have started to shorten the woman lying on the couch, but for some reason I felt like it should remain as is. Somewhere I believe there is a person who would identify with this picture. I used my own living room as a backgrown exccept I do not have a couch like this one. My couch is a half circle, and covers two walls. It would not have worked for this tall lady. I think of this lady as being unappreciative of her height, but has the courage to charm through her other features. I idealize a person with this exultation. At least I feel like this lady has made it to the top in many ways. She is a success in what she wished to be.

While we all do not want to be admired by an audience, we do need to be the best person we can possibly be. In some ways we need to twinkle like the stars, and go with the flow. We need not to think that our ways are the only way. Thank God for making everyone different. Thank God that I don't want to be anyone else, just who God made me to be. That may mean I don't always get invited to the social gatherings, but I could care less. God will use me wherever He choses. I do appreciate talented, and special speakers, dedicated, and working for a good cause, but we have to forfiet some things for impossible reasons. Therefore, I accept the can, and cant's and thank God that I could have had much pleasure if things had been different. I am interested mostly for one purpose, that is to make it to heaven, and be reunited with all my loved ones, and friends. I believe that is what everyone should be working for daily. I don't want to rock my way into heaven. I want to go in shouting. I want to be one of those Saints that go marching in. Until such time may I be a blessing, and enjoy evey day I have left here on earth. I have too much of God's love to be always critizing someone, although I do believe we must avoid the very appearance of evil. God told us to do so in His Word. I am a strong supported of President Trump, and I hardly every sign off without acknowledging that. I truly believe he is God's man for America at this time. I do all I can for him, and he appreciates everything I do.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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