Thursday, September 3, 2020

"Playing A Game With Two Fighting Hopefuls"

A few supports have shown up early for the game. Thank God for never-give-uppers. 9-3-2020 Perryton, TX

The Perryton Ranger football players will play their second game of the season tonight. Their first game with Dalhart was cut short last week after a transformer blew at the field, and they had to quit near the second half. Like everything else at this time in our great America, the football sport is second to none. It's very hard for our Perryton boys to keep the spirit going, although they are still putting everything they have into it. The team is playing the Childress Bobcats tonight, with the Bobcats winning their first game with Panhandle. 1-0. I have to wonder how much longer the football sport will continue. Can we as a nation ever recover from this awful plague the liberal left, with China's help, put on us? It is not only the football players who are having a hard time, the entire country is struggling to keep going. If only people would realize that the only way things will get better is to call upon God, and when He answers we must not forget and go back to the old sinful ways. It could mean that many more will die before the paeple wake up. All the Christians can do is pray, and take the knocks that comes with evil people mocking God. We are in the world with those evil doers so we must suffer as an innocent bystander. God will be there beside us though, and will make things better to endure. I am saying these things because I am now reading the Old Testament, and it is making a believer out of me. God does not lie, and He is not a coward. He demands respect now, and forever. There were usually forty yesrs or more between the ponishment phase in the Israelits time, but God never failed to do what He said He would do. God is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. We can have peace if we trust, and obey His command.

I don't like writing blogs like this, but I do not believe I can be exempt from it. We as Christians have a duty to speak for God, whether we like it or not. I want to continue to be blessed by my Heavenly Father. Jesus said, “not my will, but thine be done.” Can we expect more favor than Jesus? We don't deserve any part of what Jesus conquered, but because of Him we can share His wonderful victory. So I say to all let us face these troubling times with thanksgiving that Jesus paved the way for us.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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