Sunday, August 14, 2016

"Father Abraham's Knife"

My daily life-guide, the Holy Bible is the strongest support I have found in any one human being. "How Great Thou Art" is mentally seen on every page. I can never thank Him enough for loving me when I am not worthy of His love. 8-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today, August 14, 2016 is the day I took a giant step by faith that broke my heart into a thousand pieces. My heart is so fragile it doesn’t take much to break it, but when I am pushed to the lowest speck of my faith I know it is time to raise the “Abraham” knife. Yes, I have committed it all to God, by action, and not just by words. I am grieving, but as always I feel a sweet peace. I don’t know if I will be spared the sacrifice I offered today or not, but I do know the time was now to do the unthinkable. Why, we ask, are we tested so much when it looks like we are on our last bearable pain? I can only surmise it’s because a huge blessing is coming our way if we surrender it all. It takes the storm clouds to form a rainbow. I may never see that rainbow, but if not I can keep hoping.

I truly believe that we sometimes act like spoiled brats. We want everything to be good all the time. If we have an upset once in awhile we think we are rejected by God, and start whining. How selfish an attitude of this nature really is. If only we could see inside the hearts of those who are struggling to survive, maybe because of fear of a beating, or even having their heads cut off, we surly would be ashamed to pout or whine about trivial matters. Even hearts that are fearing death any minute from natural causes, but will never let it be known, are called spoiled brats. Sometimes spoiled brats as we may call them, are really sick and need special attention. How are we to know the difference? Here is where the real faith of God-fearing Christians must be tried. What a price to pay if we are not truly trusting God. No one wants that responsibility, but sometimes we are not left with a choice.

If I should die this night I believe, by faith I will be with Jesus in Paradise. I also believe, by faith that God will somehow let me meet my loved ones there by and by. I will never believe different because God has been too good to me for all these years to think He would let me be parted from my loved ones. They are forever, and ever, mine. I was taught by the Holy Spirit from the beginning of my salvation not to put my trust in man, but God alone. I have done this all through the years. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word will never die,” sayeth the Lord. With these words I leave this blog to rest for awhile in my comfortable bed, but I will not leave the pain and suffering I feel for others. They will follow me to sleep and wake up with me in the morning.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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