Wednesday, August 17, 2016

"Another Day Is Finished"

                                 Good night sun, you look sleepy. 8-17-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I was coming home from Chuck’s house awhile ago when I noticed this sleepy sun fixing to go to bed. I grabbed my camera and took a lovely picture of it. It looked almost as tired as I did. I have made a lot of accomplishment today toward getting a lot done to Chuck’s house. I surprised myself at how much work I can still do in a day. I love it when I can help someone who really needs help. That is who I am, and I hope I will always stay that way. It doesn’t just have to be my family, I like to help anyone.

Chuck is having a slow recovery because he already had a lot of health issues before the heart attack. He is not eating hardly anything. He has also fallen several times, but hasn’t broken any bones. He is just very weak. Today marks the 12th day since his open-heart surgery. With his positive attitude I’m sure he will fully recover. He is having company from out of town tomorrow. A good friend wants to come and share some of his delicious cantaloupes. He had so many, some weighing as much as 15 pounds, till I couldn’t keep them picked and given away. Tomatoes are just fixing to start ripening. I hope I feel well enough to can several jars. We do really love those home canned tomatoes right out of the jar with salty crackers. My dad always said they were the best medicine anyone could take. I almost agree with that.

I never have to worry about going to sleep after a day like these last few have been. Sleep comes easily. I also feel so rested when I wake up and am ready to get back to work. I take about two hours to have my coffee and watch the news before I start to work. I truly have been blessed this past two weeks in ways I never expected. My heart is rejoicing with the love of God, the best friend I ever had. It seems as though everything I needed done to get Chuck’s house in good shape just came together like magic. A few up-sets, but all turned out to be to my advantage. That’s what it’s like to trust the Lord with all your might. He tells us the battle is not ours, but His alone. I know that to be true.

My prayer tonight will mostly be to thank God for all His blessings; Although I will not forget to ask Him for more tomorrow. He tells us to ask and we will receive. I always ask that my children and grand-children, my sisters, niece’s and nephews, friends, and country, Israel, and all other countries who are suffering as well as those whom are putting their life on the line to save our Nation, I ask God to bless them all. I know he hears and answers, So I sink with the sun and rise with it in the morning.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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