Tuesday, August 23, 2016

"August Showers Brings Beautiful Flowers"

                              Late summer flowers looking good. 8-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.
            Soon to shed their beauty, oh no, I'm going to miss them. 8-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I just signed off on another busy day. I have been working on Chuck’s house, inside and out. I had two guys helping me today to pull up the old carpet that was long over due to come up. Hard wood floors were uncovered and it sure is tempting to leave them uncovered. We are not in any hurry to put new carpet down. Anyway it was a dirty and tiring job. I almost feel young again. I was sweeping up the dirt and scraps while the workers were busy making big messes. I was amazed at the strength and ambition of the 21 year old guy who challenged his 53 year old dad to, “keep it going.” He carried all the old carpet to the pick-up faster than the dad could rip it up. But he did also do a lot of cutting and tearing up the carpet as well as scrapeing the glued padding from the floor. I was reminded of my younger days. Nothing was hard work for me then. I have always liked to work however, I do have to admit I just can’t last very long doing anything but watching TV.

I have failed to enjoy my flowers this summer like I usually do. Since Chuck got sick I have been full time occupied with him. From my kitchen window I can see my pretty flowers, and that’s about all I have seen of them for awhile. This evening I walked out to see if the rain was still keeping them satisfied, and I had to take a picture. They are so pretty and still blooming like crazy. At this time in my life I never know what tomorrow might bring. I just know that if tomorrow lets me wake up it is going to be a good day. With all the turmoil and uncertainty surrounding us I could be depressed and lock myself up in my bedroom like so many I know are doing, but I can see a bright future ahead of me because of my Almighty God. I feel sorry for those who are following some kind of advise from certain people they believe in or some kind of church they are prone to believe. I believe God has made it clear He wants us to make our own choice and not that of others. That’s why He sent his Holy Spirit to direct our thoughts and open up our channels of wisdom. How weak is that one who says because so and so believes it I believe it too. I am following God, and not man. There is a difference in following God and obeying the laws of the land, or choosing the church we want to attend, or the advise we get from those who are earthy informed on certain matters, but when it comes to spiritual choices, I believe we must seek the advice of God. We are one on one with God, or we are strangers to Him. That’s my thought for today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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