Friday, August 26, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "I Lost The Day But Found The Reason"

Jean's Comment's: "I Lost The Day But Found The Reason": This is what my street looks like across from my house the first night of football season. All the parking lots are filled and both sid...

"I Lost The Day But Found The Reason"

This is what my street looks like across from my house the first night of football season. All the parking lots are filled and both sides of the street for two or three blocks. 8-26-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Excitement has already started around my house. Football season has begun and this city turns out in groves to support the game. I don’t attend the games, but I have to perk up when I see so many others running to and fro  trying to get a seat in the bleachers. I remember when my husband and I used to be excited too. That was when we had boys playing. We reserved seats from year to year. Everything has changed over the years. Age just has a way of doing that to us. At least when I look out and see all those vehicles surrounding my house I know there is something else going on other than world concerns. I almost wonder how anyone could enjoy any kind of pleasure with so much evil and fighting going on all over the world. Each morning when I awake I am so thankful that I am still in my home unharmed. I make this a request to God every night before I go to bed. I am convinced that He hears and answers that request, and I praise Him for it. His almighty power trumps all doubt and fear that the evil forces try to load on us. Even today I received a call that I never ever expected, and it was so up-lifting. I knew in that moment that God had sent me a special message that I was really needing. I am so grateful, but still a little in disbelief.

Sometimes I feel like I have had the limit of tests put on me in a very short time. Some like I hadn’t been dealt in many years. I had almost forgotten that such tests were still on the list. The kind that makes you feel like you’re being punished for no reason. I had not felt like I had done anything but good to several people whom now I was hearing crucial remarks which the speakers of such had no idea of how much harm they were doing to me. It’s something like I call. “a disarranged person when the real inner truth pops out.” Later these same people realize what they’ve done, and don’t know what to do to make it up. I know this is a common characteristic in many people, but I had not been attacked by this kind of behavior in years. At  least not to my face. I believe it takes tests like this to keep us on the right track sometimes. At least I got that counterattack today that made me feel like I might be sprouting wings. What an awesome God we serve! I am made to realize more that we cannot enter the Promised Land without going through the wilderness. I will take my hurts and count them as stepping stones into the Blessed Heaven of rest. I just must remember If I hurt back I may have voided the stepping stone, although I also believe God gave us a mind of wisdom full of love to counteract these critical remarks.  Shall we forgive one another, and take a step forward?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "I Guess I Love Crazy"

Jean's Comment's: "I Guess I Love Crazy": The roses are still blooming. A little Crepe Myrtle tree embraces the rose bush and they make a lovely pair. 8-24-2016 Perryton, Texas Ho...

"I Guess I Love Crazy"

The roses are still blooming. A little Crepe Myrtle tree embraces the rose bush and they make a lovely pair. 8-24-2016 Perryton, Texas

How sweet it is to trust in the Lord. I can’t say this enough. Almost every day I am lifted up beyond unbelievable circumstances that knocks me to the ground. It’s like when I come to I wonder what happened. I had forgotten the blow and only remembered the good things ahead. I count theses attacks as the way children react to one another when they become angry at not getting their way. Within a short time they have forgotten all about their anger and proceed on with the happy, merry way they were before the anger struck. I must still have a lot of child in me because I forget what I swore I would do while I was frustrated and spring back into the old way of finishing the job. I tell myself I must be crazy, but then I remember that is the way Jesus told us to be. “Acknowledge the Lord in all thy ways and he will direct thy path.” I never fail to tell God I have decided to do something different when I throw one of my little fits. I tell Him what I am going to do then He invariable tells me what I am going to do. My Heavenly Father is just as stern with me as my earthly father was. That is saying a lot. I don’t get very far on my angry path, or I might say my discouraging path, until my Lord turns me around to go back and keep pressing on the same path I was on. I may not like it, but I have to obey the Master’s voice. He never lets me down.

It was beginning to turn dusk this evening when I walked outside and noticed how beautiful these roses  were in my yard. A little Crepe Myrtle tree grows close to the rose bush and together they make a lovely pair. My son, Chuck, planted the rose bush and he is the one that is making me discouraged so much. He loves that crimson red rose bush and pampers it all the time. I saw Chuck’s eyes looking at me from inside one of those beautiful roses this evening. I can’t do to him what I said I was going to do today. I told him he was too stubborn to listen to me, the doctors, or anyone else, so I was leaving him to root for himself. He is having a hard time recovering from open heart surgery, but he does not take care of himself neither will he let me take care of him. I am all he has except a few friends who do not have the same patience that I have with him. He wants to stay in his house alone, but I have to be there several times a day to take him food and other things. He lost his phone in the house we know, but we could never find it after calling it over and over. I had to get him another one. He would not eat or take his medicine so he became so weak he can hardly walk. I have had to take him to the ER several times since his release from the hospital. But today for the umpteenth time I told him to do what he wanted to do, but I was through with him. The Lord told me, “no you’re not.” OK Lord, whatever, wherever, you want me to go I will follow. And I praise His Holy name.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "August Showers Brings Beautiful Flowers"

Jean's Comment's: "August Showers Brings Beautiful Flowers":                               Late summer flowers looking good. 8-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.             Soon to shed their beauty, oh no...

"August Showers Brings Beautiful Flowers"

                              Late summer flowers looking good. 8-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.
            Soon to shed their beauty, oh no, I'm going to miss them. 8-23-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I just signed off on another busy day. I have been working on Chuck’s house, inside and out. I had two guys helping me today to pull up the old carpet that was long over due to come up. Hard wood floors were uncovered and it sure is tempting to leave them uncovered. We are not in any hurry to put new carpet down. Anyway it was a dirty and tiring job. I almost feel young again. I was sweeping up the dirt and scraps while the workers were busy making big messes. I was amazed at the strength and ambition of the 21 year old guy who challenged his 53 year old dad to, “keep it going.” He carried all the old carpet to the pick-up faster than the dad could rip it up. But he did also do a lot of cutting and tearing up the carpet as well as scrapeing the glued padding from the floor. I was reminded of my younger days. Nothing was hard work for me then. I have always liked to work however, I do have to admit I just can’t last very long doing anything but watching TV.

I have failed to enjoy my flowers this summer like I usually do. Since Chuck got sick I have been full time occupied with him. From my kitchen window I can see my pretty flowers, and that’s about all I have seen of them for awhile. This evening I walked out to see if the rain was still keeping them satisfied, and I had to take a picture. They are so pretty and still blooming like crazy. At this time in my life I never know what tomorrow might bring. I just know that if tomorrow lets me wake up it is going to be a good day. With all the turmoil and uncertainty surrounding us I could be depressed and lock myself up in my bedroom like so many I know are doing, but I can see a bright future ahead of me because of my Almighty God. I feel sorry for those who are following some kind of advise from certain people they believe in or some kind of church they are prone to believe. I believe God has made it clear He wants us to make our own choice and not that of others. That’s why He sent his Holy Spirit to direct our thoughts and open up our channels of wisdom. How weak is that one who says because so and so believes it I believe it too. I am following God, and not man. There is a difference in following God and obeying the laws of the land, or choosing the church we want to attend, or the advise we get from those who are earthy informed on certain matters, but when it comes to spiritual choices, I believe we must seek the advice of God. We are one on one with God, or we are strangers to Him. That’s my thought for today.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Bearing My Cross"

Jean's Comment's: "Bearing My Cross": Today I'm missing my brother, Dale Cope. His birthday is this Thursday, August 25. He has been deceased for 15 years.What a strange li...

"Bearing My Cross"

Today I'm missing my brother, Dale Cope. His birthday is this Thursday, August 25. He has been deceased for 15 years.What a strange life we all have to live. 8-20-2016  Perryton, Texas.

Today has been another one of those dreaded days. A day when you feel like all hell has broken loose inside you. I hate to unwind on those I love so dearly, but sometimes that is the only way to correct a problem that can’t be solved any other way. My brother, Dale, was a person of strong anger if anyone tried to tell him what to do, but he had a loving heart when he got his way. We all learned to let him have  his way even when we knew he was headed for trouble. I stood over his bed when he was dying and tried to hide the tears from him. He saw them once and asked, “what’s going on?“ I loved this brother even though he was rude and unbearable at times. I don’t recall ever showing anger toward him. He passed away at 65 from alcohol addiction. I have a son whom I have to wonder if some of the traits of my brother didn’t show up in him. My son is not an alcoholic, but he has some bad anger and rudeness about him like my brother had.

I recently wrote a blog called, “Father Abraham’s Knife.” Most people know the story how Abraham took his only beloved  son upon a mounting and laid him on a rock then raised a sharp knife to kill him as a sacrifice for God. God saw the sincerity of Abraham’s love to Him and stopped the arm of Abraham before the knife reached his son. What manner of love could this possible be? Today we would think only an insane person would do that. I used this true story to illustrate my love for a son who was dying for lack of self-discipline. I was not offering him for a sacrifice, neither was I literally planning to take his life, but I did offer to let him go if nothing else could be done for him. I had exhausted all the strength I had trying to deal with a son who seemed dead set on rushing to the grave. He had turned away the request of three doctors, and several nurses who had advised him what he needed to do after open heart surgery. He had refused to allow anyone to stay with him and help him to recuperate. After four days in the hospital with almost force from the doctor, he was ready to go home and be alone. I, being his mother, begged and finally got him to let me take him food and plead for him to take his medicine. He didn’t want to eat or take his medicine either. My patience lasted a few days then I mentally told myself I was going to claim the same kind of nerve Abraham had. This thought came to me after I had tried every means possible to get my son into some kind of facility where he could be forced to take his medicine and be watched so as not to fall. It was not possible, I was told. I gave my son to God after I told him I was through trying to help him. I was in direct touch with God, and I knew He was going to take over. If God stopped the knife from falling I would be happy, but if he didn’t I was going to be happy also. It was a hard decision to make, but It was the only thing left to do. I went to bed thinking I may not see my son alive in the morning, and I did greave. Surprisingly I sleep sound all through the night. I got a call the next morning from a son who sounded completely different than before. I felt sure God had healed his mind and everything would be OK. I was able to deal with him a lot better, but the same old problem was still there. Today 15 days after surgery I was overtaken by anger to him. I had not one ounce of patience left. I could see it was a hopeless case. I told him if he died tonight it would be better to get him out of his misery, and everyone else’s too. I am at home now basically going through the same thing I went through before. When we give it all to God we have to withdraw from all else. I don’t know if this will be sink or swim for my son or not, but I know it will be one or the other. “The Lord is my Sheppard I shall not want.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Another Day Is Finished"

Jean's Comment's: "Another Day Is Finished":                                  Good night sun, you look sleepy. 8-17-2016 Perryton, Texas. I was coming home from Chuck’s house awhile ...

"Another Day Is Finished"

                                 Good night sun, you look sleepy. 8-17-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I was coming home from Chuck’s house awhile ago when I noticed this sleepy sun fixing to go to bed. I grabbed my camera and took a lovely picture of it. It looked almost as tired as I did. I have made a lot of accomplishment today toward getting a lot done to Chuck’s house. I surprised myself at how much work I can still do in a day. I love it when I can help someone who really needs help. That is who I am, and I hope I will always stay that way. It doesn’t just have to be my family, I like to help anyone.

Chuck is having a slow recovery because he already had a lot of health issues before the heart attack. He is not eating hardly anything. He has also fallen several times, but hasn’t broken any bones. He is just very weak. Today marks the 12th day since his open-heart surgery. With his positive attitude I’m sure he will fully recover. He is having company from out of town tomorrow. A good friend wants to come and share some of his delicious cantaloupes. He had so many, some weighing as much as 15 pounds, till I couldn’t keep them picked and given away. Tomatoes are just fixing to start ripening. I hope I feel well enough to can several jars. We do really love those home canned tomatoes right out of the jar with salty crackers. My dad always said they were the best medicine anyone could take. I almost agree with that.

I never have to worry about going to sleep after a day like these last few have been. Sleep comes easily. I also feel so rested when I wake up and am ready to get back to work. I take about two hours to have my coffee and watch the news before I start to work. I truly have been blessed this past two weeks in ways I never expected. My heart is rejoicing with the love of God, the best friend I ever had. It seems as though everything I needed done to get Chuck’s house in good shape just came together like magic. A few up-sets, but all turned out to be to my advantage. That’s what it’s like to trust the Lord with all your might. He tells us the battle is not ours, but His alone. I know that to be true.

My prayer tonight will mostly be to thank God for all His blessings; Although I will not forget to ask Him for more tomorrow. He tells us to ask and we will receive. I always ask that my children and grand-children, my sisters, niece’s and nephews, friends, and country, Israel, and all other countries who are suffering as well as those whom are putting their life on the line to save our Nation, I ask God to bless them all. I know he hears and answers, So I sink with the sun and rise with it in the morning.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Is Welcome In My Flower G...

Jean's Comment's: Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Is Welcome In My Flower G...: Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Is Welcome In My Flower Garden" : The newly created flower garden is doing good. I enjoy it a lot...

"Father Abraham's Knife"

My daily life-guide, the Holy Bible is the strongest support I have found in any one human being. "How Great Thou Art" is mentally seen on every page. I can never thank Him enough for loving me when I am not worthy of His love. 8-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Today, August 14, 2016 is the day I took a giant step by faith that broke my heart into a thousand pieces. My heart is so fragile it doesn’t take much to break it, but when I am pushed to the lowest speck of my faith I know it is time to raise the “Abraham” knife. Yes, I have committed it all to God, by action, and not just by words. I am grieving, but as always I feel a sweet peace. I don’t know if I will be spared the sacrifice I offered today or not, but I do know the time was now to do the unthinkable. Why, we ask, are we tested so much when it looks like we are on our last bearable pain? I can only surmise it’s because a huge blessing is coming our way if we surrender it all. It takes the storm clouds to form a rainbow. I may never see that rainbow, but if not I can keep hoping.

I truly believe that we sometimes act like spoiled brats. We want everything to be good all the time. If we have an upset once in awhile we think we are rejected by God, and start whining. How selfish an attitude of this nature really is. If only we could see inside the hearts of those who are struggling to survive, maybe because of fear of a beating, or even having their heads cut off, we surly would be ashamed to pout or whine about trivial matters. Even hearts that are fearing death any minute from natural causes, but will never let it be known, are called spoiled brats. Sometimes spoiled brats as we may call them, are really sick and need special attention. How are we to know the difference? Here is where the real faith of God-fearing Christians must be tried. What a price to pay if we are not truly trusting God. No one wants that responsibility, but sometimes we are not left with a choice.

If I should die this night I believe, by faith I will be with Jesus in Paradise. I also believe, by faith that God will somehow let me meet my loved ones there by and by. I will never believe different because God has been too good to me for all these years to think He would let me be parted from my loved ones. They are forever, and ever, mine. I was taught by the Holy Spirit from the beginning of my salvation not to put my trust in man, but God alone. I have done this all through the years. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word will never die,” sayeth the Lord. With these words I leave this blog to rest for awhile in my comfortable bed, but I will not leave the pain and suffering I feel for others. They will follow me to sleep and wake up with me in the morning.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp