Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Is Welcome In My Flower Garden"

Jean's Comment's: "Jesus Is Welcome In My Flower Garden": The newly created flower garden is doing good. I enjoy it a lot. 7-27-2016 Perryton, Texas The very hot weather has made watering daily ...

"Jesus Is Welcome In My Flower Garden"

The newly created flower garden is doing good. I enjoy it a lot. 7-27-2016 Perryton, Texas
The very hot weather has made watering daily a must, but it is worth it. 7-27-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Just taking a break from the DNC, third day, to enjoy my flowers awhile. I am so glad that tomorrow will be the last day of both conventions. I have missed very little of either of them. It has been better than the world’s baseball series. No official winner yet, but I believe my team, The Trump Team,” is going to win by a big margin. I was taught from a child that cheaters and liars never win. I believe that with all my heart. They may be declared a winner sometimes, but not for long. I am not saying it is always easy to win with cheaters and liars playing against you, but truth and honest can be more powerful than all the evil in the world. I have given this presidential election a lot of my time and effort, and I will not feel regretful of one bit of it whether we win or lose. For those who have refused to take any action at all for either party, I say shame on you. For those who cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, I say beware for your safety. it’s just that critical. Those who don’t work for the good of our country are not worthy to be called, children of God. Ignorance is not an excuse. Unconcern and laziness is the cause for ignorance. Also ego, and self control, without the, “give a hoot about what God says,” is the sharpest  kind of knife that can be put to your throat. The cruel cross was the hardest thing Jesus had to face in his life time, but He did not try to use His super power to avoid it. He could have called ten thousand angles to rescue Him, but He yielded His all for you and I. How many of us are willing to say, ”not my will Lord, but thine be done?” Because I believe in God I will put forth every effort to try and please Him. I know without a doubt He will deliver me from all evil, because I am trusting Him to help me make the right decisions in life.

So as I water my flowers, and keep the weeds pulled out, I will be able to look upon a well cared-for flower garden. Otherwise I will be looking upon a few dying flowers for lack of a caring effort on my part. Each day I have more blooms gracing my lively green plants. Until I quit caring for them, or until their time has come to die, I will be encouraged to sit and watch them as they share their beauty with me. I am so blessed to have good health and happiness for now, and I give all thanks to my Heavenly Father. My future is in His hand, and I feel certain it will always be blessed for as long as I trust Him. “All lives matter to God, but God does not matter to all lives.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "The Midget Evergreen Tree"

Jean's Comment's: "The Midget Evergreen Tree":                             The midget evergreen tree in my yard. 7-16-2016 Perryton, Texas. I have posted a picture of an evergreen tre...

"The Midget Evergreen Tree"

                            The midget evergreen tree in my yard. 7-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I have posted a picture of an evergreen tree that I planted in my yard eight years ago. It is the same size today as when I planted it. I have given this little tree tender-loving-care for all the years I have had it. I have tried more water, less water, fertilizers of all kinds, and I even re-planted it to a different location. Nothing will make it grow, not even am inch in eight years. It has remained green, and lively-looking, but just won’t grow. I have named it my, “midget tree.

This little midget tree caused me to write a blog, comparing Christians who won’t grow, to spiritual midgets. Of course we know that midgets in whatever form they may be will never grow. They serve a purpose, for various reasons, but if they could talk, and some of them do, they would say “I feel cheated.” Midgets whatever they may be, are kept from normal activities. They may be an evergreen tree that looks healthy, but in all reality they are deprived of their full beauty because of some disorder in their body. They refuse to be tagged as “no good,” and use every ounce of strength they have to be productive in some way. I will never give up on my midget tree. Somehow I keep believing that I can bring it to more growth and beauty if I keep trying. In the mean time I love the unbelievable  determination of the midget tree to keep on living.

What caused this tree to be a midget tree? Mystery unsolved. But in saying that I have to believe there was an error somewhere in the rooting of this tree when trying to unfree it from it’s original roots. Just enough of the roots were there during the removal to keep it alive, but not enough to make it grow. My own theory, if you please.

Many Christians are made into spiritual midgets after being dug from the sinful roots they were born of. Psalm 51:5  Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. A sinful babe I was until I was reborn of the Spirit. I was nurtured by my birth parents, and grew in my sin until I made the choice to be re-born. It was then that I had to depend upon the Holy Spirit to teach me, and help me to grow into a full-fledged spiritual body. I had to let go of all the former teachings and be instructed by the Spirit with the bible. I was allowed to keep many of the teachings I had previously had, but only as the Spirit advised. Some things the spirit taught me was basically the same as I had been taught, but was modified, making me to be a student of the one and only “Godly Instructor.” My teaching never ended. I am not a graduate, nor will I ever be. I am taught every day how to apply God’s word to my life. I am not a midget, I am growing daily. What does it take for a spiritual midget to start growing? Unlike the evergreen tree a spiritual midget can start growing simply by asking God to nourish your body, soul, and mind with His Holy Word. You must become a student of the “Word of God Institute.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp   

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Oh What A Beautiful Morning"

Jean's Comment's: "Oh What A Beautiful Morning": The light of the world never goes out, but according to John's revelation chapter 6,verse 12, the sun will become as black as sackclot...

"Oh What A Beautiful Morning"

The light of the world never goes out, but according to John's revelation chapter 6,verse 12, the sun will become as black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon will become as blood. 7-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This light in the sky is what I saw early this morning when I awoke and looked outside. It is the sun coming back today to guide me with it’s glorious light. It allowed me to rest through the night while it lit up another part of the world. How much I love that sun cannot be described with words. Neither can words describe how fearful I feel when the sun is not shinning. That dreary, darkness of cloudy days can only be tolerated by me through my faith in my Lord. I am reminded of the scripture, “We walk by faith, and not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7. Also the old song, Anyone can sing when the sun is shinning bright, but we need a song in our heart at night,” brings a big Amen from me. I sing myself to sleep every night with the songs I learned from the cradle up. Those songs were written by inspiration from the Holy Spirit, and not by inspiration of the idle spirit. I refuse to be swayed into “New Generation” tactics to take away from my deep rooted faith in God. To me the new type of spontaneous worship is a plea for “help without the willingness to accept the offer.” Keep on begging, but the void will not be filled without the willingness to take God’s offer to fill your heart with peace and satisfaction.  Noise, and words without meaning, cannot supply the needed strength we must have to fight the enemy of our soul. “Ask, and ye shall receive.” Not beg, and refuse to believe. When, and will, the Holy Spirit every inter into the over flowing churches whose people are seeking safety and praise at the same time for their un-repented sins?  God forbid that any should perish, but we as His people have a choice to make. Either we serve Him or we serve the world. We listen to Him or we listen to idol worshipers. Jesus said, “my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27, NKJV. Are we following the voice of Jesus, or the voice of false leaders? Our bible is the answer to this question. The King James Version bible is declared the most perfect of any bibles that’s been written. Follow it and you cannot go wrong. Make it a daily part of your food supply. “For man shall not live by bread alone, but from every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.”

I am asking for a band of God fearing people to agree that we need an old-time moving of the Holy Spirit to burst into our churches like a loud burst of thunder to wake people up. If we agree, and band together asking in Jesus’ name to grant us this request, it will happen. It will not happen with drums and loud guitar noise, but with quite, yielded, and sincere believers with heads bowed, and lifted hands to say, “yes Lord, I will follow thee where ever thou leadeth. Take the first step, and God will take the second. I refuse to be ground into hamburger meat like so many are possible facing. God said He would not suffer His own to face the terrible times that are coming. You and I can be spared the troublesome times ahead if we truly seek His guiding hand, and listen for His voice.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "Safe At Home"

Jean's Comment's: "Safe At Home": I am sitting on the patio with my legs propped up watering the lawn. You can see the sprinkler through the screen door. I was trying to ge...

"Safe At Home"

I am sitting on the patio with my legs propped up watering the lawn. You can see the sprinkler through the screen door. I was trying to get a picture of a little bird taking a bath in the water from the sprinkler, but it doesn't show up. 7-13-2016 Perryton, Texas.

The temperature was above 100 degree today without any wind. I was relaxing on the patio and watering the yard when a little bird came to take a quick bath in the sprinkler. It doesn’t show in the picture, but it was so cute raising it’s wings in the water. This place would be pretty lonely sometimes if it were not for the birds, and rabbits sharing my yard. Since I returned from my 4th of July week’s vacation I have gotten most of the grass out of the flower garden. It is beginning to look nice again. Because of the heat I have to water every day. I am hoping for rain soon.

The past two days I have done almost nothing but watch news on television. I am going to be needing to take another short vacation right away. I cannot continue to watch the bad news for very long because I find myself trying to help solve, and fix the problems. I know that everyone is affected in some way with all the unrest that surrounds us daily, but my only hope is to stay close to home, and trust our God to keep us safe. I feel more safe and secure in my home than any where else on earth. I thank God for that blessing. A day or two of leaving to change the environment is a must for me, but I am always ready to get back to my little heaven of rest. Fame or fortune could not replace my peace and joy. Though I live to be a hundred it will have been a short life. I love my earthly dwelling, and hope to stay active for many more years. Even so I know I have to say, “yes Lord,” when He gets ready to take me home.

The worse thing about this life is having to give up someone whom I have known and loved for a long time. This could number into the hundreds. I have a drawer full of obituaries not including those whose funerals I could not attend. As for the memories, they just never go away. This is the reason I need to leave home pretty often for a short time, and get my mind off bad things that I cannot change. As much as I love my home, and the comfort I feel here, sometimes I do not want to come back after being away for awhile. It usually takes me a week or so to remember who I am, and bounce back into the contented mood. Still I am blessed, and need nothing more than what I have. I often think I need the old fashion church that I was raised in, and attended for many years, but I know that will never happen again. It has been replaced with strange worship, and an unfamiliar spirit. Changing with the times is the second hardest thing I have to do. God never changes, and I know I can keep Him in my heart right here at home. I have always enjoyed many friends, and Christian brothers and sisters, but before I will give up my consecration to God, I will give up my friends, family, or anything else that tries to come between us. My bones may be buried or burned up, but my spirit can never be destroyed.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Jean's Comment's: "If I Suffer For God I Am Blessed"

Jean's Comment's: "If I Suffer For God I Am Blessed":                   God's word is sharper than a two edged sword. 7-10-2016 Perryton, Texas. I have returned home after being gone mor...

"If I Suffer For God I Am Blessed"

                  God's word is sharper than a two edged sword. 7-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I have returned home after being gone more than a week during the 4 of July. I had an enjoyable trip, but am always glad to return home.

I have to point out that this trip was unusual, in that I was thrown into a mental spin that I had a great deal of trouble bringing to a halt. In fact my head is still spinning to some degree. I have come to the conclusion that God’s people will never be spared from persecution and false accusation until He calls them unto his Heavenly Rest. I can accept that because Jesus told us in His Word that He suffered the same pain many years before we did. How can any of us think we are better than Jesus, and should not have to suffer in our time on earth? We can bare in mind that those who caused Jesus Christ to suffer have had to pay a dear price for making it happen even though God planned it that way. I pray each day that I will not have to make someone suffer wrongfully. I know I have a duty to proclaim God’s Word even if it causes some to tremble. God did not want His Son to suffer just as He does not want any of His children to suffer, but He tells us it must be done in order to obtain an eternal life of peace and joy. I do not believe we as Christians can leave God out of our lives except just when we need Him to get us out of a bad situation. Many of us would not be in those bad situations if we had been following Christ daily. God’s Word is alive. It is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12. To read the rest of this chapter would be to enforce the part I have just quoted. I am not sending out God’s word to make anyone afraid, or to lessen their faith, but I am concerned that the past few generations have not had the Word of God preached to them like those fifty years ago, and long before that. Where can we place the fault of that failure? God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That too is a scripture for those who may not know that. The Holy Spirit is a person the word tells us, and will come to any who will yield themselves to his knocking. How many times have we all been unyielding, and did not answer the knock when we heard it? Or was so far from our spiritual door till we did not hear it. I for one, can say I am more guilty of this than anyone else; Although I have had the Holy Spirit come to me many times, and I did open the door and obeyed His request. What a glorious blessing that followed. God is a God of love, and he expects us to love one another also. He is quick to forgive, and expects us to be quick to forgive as well. As for our mistakes we must pay the consequence of all, but they have been forgiven if we have repented of them. If we have hurt one of God’s children they will hurt forever as well as the one who did the hurting. This is not who I want to be, but I still have to obey my Lord and spread His Gospel as long as I live. We can do this without being called fanatics. Wisdom is given to all, and to those who lack wisdom, God said, “ let them ask of Me.” So with that all being said, I send this out  with a heart full of love even to those who have caused me to suffer unjustly.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp