Wednesday, July 27, 2016

"Jesus Is Welcome In My Flower Garden"

The newly created flower garden is doing good. I enjoy it a lot. 7-27-2016 Perryton, Texas
The very hot weather has made watering daily a must, but it is worth it. 7-27-2016 Perryton, Texas.

Just taking a break from the DNC, third day, to enjoy my flowers awhile. I am so glad that tomorrow will be the last day of both conventions. I have missed very little of either of them. It has been better than the world’s baseball series. No official winner yet, but I believe my team, The Trump Team,” is going to win by a big margin. I was taught from a child that cheaters and liars never win. I believe that with all my heart. They may be declared a winner sometimes, but not for long. I am not saying it is always easy to win with cheaters and liars playing against you, but truth and honest can be more powerful than all the evil in the world. I have given this presidential election a lot of my time and effort, and I will not feel regretful of one bit of it whether we win or lose. For those who have refused to take any action at all for either party, I say shame on you. For those who cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, I say beware for your safety. it’s just that critical. Those who don’t work for the good of our country are not worthy to be called, children of God. Ignorance is not an excuse. Unconcern and laziness is the cause for ignorance. Also ego, and self control, without the, “give a hoot about what God says,” is the sharpest  kind of knife that can be put to your throat. The cruel cross was the hardest thing Jesus had to face in his life time, but He did not try to use His super power to avoid it. He could have called ten thousand angles to rescue Him, but He yielded His all for you and I. How many of us are willing to say, ”not my will Lord, but thine be done?” Because I believe in God I will put forth every effort to try and please Him. I know without a doubt He will deliver me from all evil, because I am trusting Him to help me make the right decisions in life.

So as I water my flowers, and keep the weeds pulled out, I will be able to look upon a well cared-for flower garden. Otherwise I will be looking upon a few dying flowers for lack of a caring effort on my part. Each day I have more blooms gracing my lively green plants. Until I quit caring for them, or until their time has come to die, I will be encouraged to sit and watch them as they share their beauty with me. I am so blessed to have good health and happiness for now, and I give all thanks to my Heavenly Father. My future is in His hand, and I feel certain it will always be blessed for as long as I trust Him. “All lives matter to God, but God does not matter to all lives.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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