Saturday, July 16, 2016

"The Midget Evergreen Tree"

                            The midget evergreen tree in my yard. 7-16-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I have posted a picture of an evergreen tree that I planted in my yard eight years ago. It is the same size today as when I planted it. I have given this little tree tender-loving-care for all the years I have had it. I have tried more water, less water, fertilizers of all kinds, and I even re-planted it to a different location. Nothing will make it grow, not even am inch in eight years. It has remained green, and lively-looking, but just won’t grow. I have named it my, “midget tree.

This little midget tree caused me to write a blog, comparing Christians who won’t grow, to spiritual midgets. Of course we know that midgets in whatever form they may be will never grow. They serve a purpose, for various reasons, but if they could talk, and some of them do, they would say “I feel cheated.” Midgets whatever they may be, are kept from normal activities. They may be an evergreen tree that looks healthy, but in all reality they are deprived of their full beauty because of some disorder in their body. They refuse to be tagged as “no good,” and use every ounce of strength they have to be productive in some way. I will never give up on my midget tree. Somehow I keep believing that I can bring it to more growth and beauty if I keep trying. In the mean time I love the unbelievable  determination of the midget tree to keep on living.

What caused this tree to be a midget tree? Mystery unsolved. But in saying that I have to believe there was an error somewhere in the rooting of this tree when trying to unfree it from it’s original roots. Just enough of the roots were there during the removal to keep it alive, but not enough to make it grow. My own theory, if you please.

Many Christians are made into spiritual midgets after being dug from the sinful roots they were born of. Psalm 51:5  Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. A sinful babe I was until I was reborn of the Spirit. I was nurtured by my birth parents, and grew in my sin until I made the choice to be re-born. It was then that I had to depend upon the Holy Spirit to teach me, and help me to grow into a full-fledged spiritual body. I had to let go of all the former teachings and be instructed by the Spirit with the bible. I was allowed to keep many of the teachings I had previously had, but only as the Spirit advised. Some things the spirit taught me was basically the same as I had been taught, but was modified, making me to be a student of the one and only “Godly Instructor.” My teaching never ended. I am not a graduate, nor will I ever be. I am taught every day how to apply God’s word to my life. I am not a midget, I am growing daily. What does it take for a spiritual midget to start growing? Unlike the evergreen tree a spiritual midget can start growing simply by asking God to nourish your body, soul, and mind with His Holy Word. You must become a student of the “Word of God Institute.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp   

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