Sunday, July 10, 2016

"If I Suffer For God I Am Blessed"

                  God's word is sharper than a two edged sword. 7-10-2016 Perryton, Texas.

I have returned home after being gone more than a week during the 4 of July. I had an enjoyable trip, but am always glad to return home.

I have to point out that this trip was unusual, in that I was thrown into a mental spin that I had a great deal of trouble bringing to a halt. In fact my head is still spinning to some degree. I have come to the conclusion that God’s people will never be spared from persecution and false accusation until He calls them unto his Heavenly Rest. I can accept that because Jesus told us in His Word that He suffered the same pain many years before we did. How can any of us think we are better than Jesus, and should not have to suffer in our time on earth? We can bare in mind that those who caused Jesus Christ to suffer have had to pay a dear price for making it happen even though God planned it that way. I pray each day that I will not have to make someone suffer wrongfully. I know I have a duty to proclaim God’s Word even if it causes some to tremble. God did not want His Son to suffer just as He does not want any of His children to suffer, but He tells us it must be done in order to obtain an eternal life of peace and joy. I do not believe we as Christians can leave God out of our lives except just when we need Him to get us out of a bad situation. Many of us would not be in those bad situations if we had been following Christ daily. God’s Word is alive. It is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12. To read the rest of this chapter would be to enforce the part I have just quoted. I am not sending out God’s word to make anyone afraid, or to lessen their faith, but I am concerned that the past few generations have not had the Word of God preached to them like those fifty years ago, and long before that. Where can we place the fault of that failure? God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That too is a scripture for those who may not know that. The Holy Spirit is a person the word tells us, and will come to any who will yield themselves to his knocking. How many times have we all been unyielding, and did not answer the knock when we heard it? Or was so far from our spiritual door till we did not hear it. I for one, can say I am more guilty of this than anyone else; Although I have had the Holy Spirit come to me many times, and I did open the door and obeyed His request. What a glorious blessing that followed. God is a God of love, and he expects us to love one another also. He is quick to forgive, and expects us to be quick to forgive as well. As for our mistakes we must pay the consequence of all, but they have been forgiven if we have repented of them. If we have hurt one of God’s children they will hurt forever as well as the one who did the hurting. This is not who I want to be, but I still have to obey my Lord and spread His Gospel as long as I live. We can do this without being called fanatics. Wisdom is given to all, and to those who lack wisdom, God said, “ let them ask of Me.” So with that all being said, I send this out  with a heart full of love even to those who have caused me to suffer unjustly.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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