Thursday, July 14, 2016

"Oh What A Beautiful Morning"

The light of the world never goes out, but according to John's revelation chapter 6,verse 12, the sun will become as black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon will become as blood. 7-14-2016 Perryton, Texas.

This light in the sky is what I saw early this morning when I awoke and looked outside. It is the sun coming back today to guide me with it’s glorious light. It allowed me to rest through the night while it lit up another part of the world. How much I love that sun cannot be described with words. Neither can words describe how fearful I feel when the sun is not shinning. That dreary, darkness of cloudy days can only be tolerated by me through my faith in my Lord. I am reminded of the scripture, “We walk by faith, and not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7. Also the old song, Anyone can sing when the sun is shinning bright, but we need a song in our heart at night,” brings a big Amen from me. I sing myself to sleep every night with the songs I learned from the cradle up. Those songs were written by inspiration from the Holy Spirit, and not by inspiration of the idle spirit. I refuse to be swayed into “New Generation” tactics to take away from my deep rooted faith in God. To me the new type of spontaneous worship is a plea for “help without the willingness to accept the offer.” Keep on begging, but the void will not be filled without the willingness to take God’s offer to fill your heart with peace and satisfaction.  Noise, and words without meaning, cannot supply the needed strength we must have to fight the enemy of our soul. “Ask, and ye shall receive.” Not beg, and refuse to believe. When, and will, the Holy Spirit every inter into the over flowing churches whose people are seeking safety and praise at the same time for their un-repented sins?  God forbid that any should perish, but we as His people have a choice to make. Either we serve Him or we serve the world. We listen to Him or we listen to idol worshipers. Jesus said, “my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27, NKJV. Are we following the voice of Jesus, or the voice of false leaders? Our bible is the answer to this question. The King James Version bible is declared the most perfect of any bibles that’s been written. Follow it and you cannot go wrong. Make it a daily part of your food supply. “For man shall not live by bread alone, but from every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.”

I am asking for a band of God fearing people to agree that we need an old-time moving of the Holy Spirit to burst into our churches like a loud burst of thunder to wake people up. If we agree, and band together asking in Jesus’ name to grant us this request, it will happen. It will not happen with drums and loud guitar noise, but with quite, yielded, and sincere believers with heads bowed, and lifted hands to say, “yes Lord, I will follow thee where ever thou leadeth. Take the first step, and God will take the second. I refuse to be ground into hamburger meat like so many are possible facing. God said He would not suffer His own to face the terrible times that are coming. You and I can be spared the troublesome times ahead if we truly seek His guiding hand, and listen for His voice.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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