Friday, February 27, 2015

"Snow With A Glow"

Today is the third week-end in a row that we have had snow. We got 3" last night and big snow flakes are still falling this morning. 2-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Got to be thankful for the moister however way we get it, but I would rather have lots of rain instead of snow. I am glad God doesn’t listen to me in that respect. My house could be floating on a lake. Truly I would never tell God how to send us moister, just send it. At least our part of the state is having it mild compared with other places. In spite of the large flakes of snow still falling the sky is bright. The sun is barely covered. My thermometer shows 19 degrees, but one needs sun glasses to go outside.

Yesterday was such a good day for me. The weather was nice without a trace of snow on the ground. I connected with a long silenced friend. Our friendship was re-established, and we visited for about an hour. I believe it took that time of silence for God to teach us both a lesson. Neither of us spoke of our differences yesterday. It was more like, “so glad that you’re doing good.”  There is a lot of differences in our opinions, but overall we do enjoy sharing our joy’s and concerns. The Christian sisterhood is enough to keep us happy most of the time. I answered a few emails, and wrote an rather unusual blog. Finally I went to bed feeling elevated. That feeling carried on through the night, and is still vibrating  today. My friend and I both are expecting something wonderful to happen right away. What a great feeling to have! It probably took me braking a rib to be able to claim this victory, because that is what I did ten days ago. I have suffered, but am feeling much better now. I have not been out of the house since that happened, and I am going to have to make bread when I finish this blog. I discovered this morning that my bread had began to mold. No more of that. I have been wanting to make fresh yeast bread for awhile, and now I will get it done.

Sometimes I think I try to get the cart before the horse. That is what happened when I broke my rib. A little impatient, you might say, but God has a way of pushing us back in proper position until He is ready for us to speed up. “Thank you Lord.” Excitement, yes, follows us while we trot along. Smile and be happy while we travel on. After all we are carrying the good news to everyone who will listen. Every once in awhile we admit our mistakes and repent. Oh! How we need to do that more often. Somehow I believe God rings a little bell in our ears when its time to bow down and repent. I have been losing some of my hearing lately, and God has to ring the bell a little louder. I pray I can keep an open mind to hear that bell anytime it rings. We do have to ask before we can receive.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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