Saturday, February 28, 2015

An Angel With A Shovel"

An angel from somewhere is cleaning all my walks and driveway from the snow. Haven't seen him yet. 2-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.
What a wonderful act of kindness. Just wish I knew who to thank besides God. 2-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.
As you can see my drive is the only one on the block that's cleaned off. 2-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

I have been so busy cleaning today till I never noticed my drive and walkways had been cleared of snow. I noticed it a few minutes ago. This has happened before and I never learned who did it. I checked with all my children, they all said they had nothing to do with it. I am sure it is an angel, but an angel with a shovel. I wish I knew who to thank for this wonderful act of kindness besides God. All of my children and grandchildren live four hundred miles from me except one, and he is disabled. If anyone knows who is doing this please thank them for me. Just wondering if it will snow tonight for the fifth night in a row.

I finished cleaning my art studio and computer room today. I am anxious to start painting again tomorrow. Painting is definitely the love of my life, next to sharing my blogs. I feel like I can talk with my brush and still get feed-back. I just don’t get as much criticism as I do from real people. I usually can satisfy myself even if it doesn’t always please others. I think that’s what art is all about. As far as expense that can be overwhelming sometimes. Art supplies including paint, canvas, brushes along with frames etc. can fool the average person. There is no kind of insurance that will pay for this kind of therapy, although I am proud to say I do have some art hanging in a few homes, public places, and the likes. If I had a space large enough I would have several pieces of art from other artists. The original work, that is. I do have a few.

I will end this day by saying my love for everyone is being sent out. May your troubles all be small ones. And may you receive a great big  blessing tomorrow, especially the angel who cleaned my driveway and sidewalks. 

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

"Just To Whistle While You Work"

            Whistling while I work cleaning art and computer room. 2-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.
My favorite place to hang out, but do have to clean once in awhile. 2-28-2015 Perryton, Texas.

With another 3” of snow last night I decided it was time to clean my art and computer room. As you can see it definitely needed it. I am a hateful “cleaning” person. Never did like to clean, because it just got dirty again. But this morning I made up my mind to whistle while I cleaned, except I can’t whistle, but I can pretend. I know I will be able to turn out better paintings if I have a nice clean organized room. Hopefully my blogs will be more interesting also. We will see. Life without hope can be very boring, so I am hoping to improve my cleaning habits. I have always liked to help a friend or family member clean and fix up their house, but my own, blaw. Not that I don‘t have the talent, Its just that I like company when I‘m cleaning. I guess I should say, I like help. It gets done so much faster. When I get through cleaning today I will have everything perfect, but It never stays that way for long. I have made a lot of accomplishment doing things around the house since it has been snowing for the past four days. Its too bad to get out. I just need to hurry along with the cleaning so I can start doing a more interesting work, like cooking something good to go with the home-made bread and crescent rolls I made yesterday. We had juicy burgers yesterday, but not sure what it will be today.

My Windex and rag is calling me so I guess I better join them. After all this day was reserved for cleaning. I will be more realistic next time. Till then I wish everyone a safe drive if you have to get out in this bad weather.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Friday, February 27, 2015

"Snow With A Glow"

Today is the third week-end in a row that we have had snow. We got 3" last night and big snow flakes are still falling this morning. 2-27-2015 Perryton, Texas.

Got to be thankful for the moister however way we get it, but I would rather have lots of rain instead of snow. I am glad God doesn’t listen to me in that respect. My house could be floating on a lake. Truly I would never tell God how to send us moister, just send it. At least our part of the state is having it mild compared with other places. In spite of the large flakes of snow still falling the sky is bright. The sun is barely covered. My thermometer shows 19 degrees, but one needs sun glasses to go outside.

Yesterday was such a good day for me. The weather was nice without a trace of snow on the ground. I connected with a long silenced friend. Our friendship was re-established, and we visited for about an hour. I believe it took that time of silence for God to teach us both a lesson. Neither of us spoke of our differences yesterday. It was more like, “so glad that you’re doing good.”  There is a lot of differences in our opinions, but overall we do enjoy sharing our joy’s and concerns. The Christian sisterhood is enough to keep us happy most of the time. I answered a few emails, and wrote an rather unusual blog. Finally I went to bed feeling elevated. That feeling carried on through the night, and is still vibrating  today. My friend and I both are expecting something wonderful to happen right away. What a great feeling to have! It probably took me braking a rib to be able to claim this victory, because that is what I did ten days ago. I have suffered, but am feeling much better now. I have not been out of the house since that happened, and I am going to have to make bread when I finish this blog. I discovered this morning that my bread had began to mold. No more of that. I have been wanting to make fresh yeast bread for awhile, and now I will get it done.

Sometimes I think I try to get the cart before the horse. That is what happened when I broke my rib. A little impatient, you might say, but God has a way of pushing us back in proper position until He is ready for us to speed up. “Thank you Lord.” Excitement, yes, follows us while we trot along. Smile and be happy while we travel on. After all we are carrying the good news to everyone who will listen. Every once in awhile we admit our mistakes and repent. Oh! How we need to do that more often. Somehow I believe God rings a little bell in our ears when its time to bow down and repent. I have been losing some of my hearing lately, and God has to ring the bell a little louder. I pray I can keep an open mind to hear that bell anytime it rings. We do have to ask before we can receive.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, February 26, 2015

"My Roots From Five Generations Back"

This picture is of my great-great-great grandmother Jane Tell Witcher and husband James K. Witcher. I do not have the correct date of this pic, but it was somewhere near the start of the 1800 hundredth's. 2-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This is my great-great grandmother, Sarah Catharine Witcher, Greenwood, Holly. She was born in1845. 2-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This is my grandmother, Nellie, Holly, Wheeler, Denham, and grandfather, Jimmy T. Denham. This pic was taken around 1933. I cannot find a pic of my great grandmother. 2-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

This pic is my mother, Opal Denham, Cope and my father Jack Cope.. My mother was born in 1916. This is my own portrait  painting of my parents. No justice served. 2-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.
This pic is me, Myrtle Jean Sharp, 2014. All of these pictures are descendants from my mother's side. 2-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

For some reason I felt like I needed to let people know who I really am as best as I could. The truth is I don’t know myself who I am so I just started by posting pictures of my ancestors. Starting with myself I have posted five generations back. Four more generations could be added to this all of whom are still living. The youngest of the fourth generation not posted is one year old. That is my great-great granddaughter.

I want to thank a distant cousin for furnishing me with all these pictures and information. He spent years searching through all kinds of records to collect all this priceless information. My grandmother had told me a lot of this that I hadn’t forgotten, but I had very few pictures. Thanks, Ron Holly.

I know that my ancestors were all religious people. They carried it down from generation to generation. I am proud to be included in that trait. My mother married a man who held a license from the Baptist faith. All my family members on both sides of my parents, which I was around, held high morals. I am sorry to say that time has diminished a lot of that. I believe the bible teaches us that this was to be expected. Although we wish the teachings of our ancestors  could have never been mired, we accept the fact that even in ancient bible times some of God’s chosen people strayed from His teaching. King David, God’s chosen King, had some bad descendants. He had one son who tried to kill his father, King David. Yet that son was King David’s favorite son. Wow! Who are we in this world of 2015?  Who are we descended from, and just who is our ancestors? On my day of judgment I may be rejected by the Great Judge, but I am doing everything I can possibly do to please God. Yes, we must never doubt judgment day is coming for all. What have we really done for Jesus? Have we made Him proud of us? I know some will brush this message off as foolish, but the bible teaches us to brush the dust off our shoes when leaving the steps of those who would not listen to us tell of His word. That is a pretty strong command. I want to keep living so I can keep teaching God’s word. I love the tests’ and trials God puts us through for it always makes us stronger in the end. Sometimes we have to battle with our own body. But remember God said, “without a battle there is no victory.” I want to feel victorious so I will meet the challenge of every trial God gives me. Physical pain as well as mental pain. Joy and peace always returns if we will accept the hard things in life as well as the good things. My prayers are going out to all of you right now.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"Visited By A Demon"

This picture has been posted as a demon. It simplifies the fact that demons are living in human beings. 2-26-2015 Perryton, Texas.

The following  story is so descriptive of how demons can enter into a person’s mind and dwell there forever sometimes. The honesty that this demon spoke of is not the ordinary talk of demons. Most demons sneak into hearts by way of self-pity, and false pride. Some demons have lived inside certain people for so long they cannot be removed easily. It takes a self “waking-up,” and a determination to clean house. I hope this little story will help those certain kind of people to take action today. I also hope it will make people more aware of how easily they can be deceived by pitiful looking people and let them move in on them spiritually.  


My name is Demon. I have brothers and sisters who live here. May I enter your brain and visit with them?

Yes, but while you’re there see if you can talk them into leaving with you.

Oh no, I was thinking about moving in with them. I am without a place to live right now. The last place I lived  was  touched by some bible believing character who threw me out. While searching for a place to go I noticed a sign on your face that informed me  that you have a vacancy. I am now homeless, and need a place to live.

I have been trying for so long to be freed from all the demons that possess me, but now you want to  add another.

If you really wanted to get rid of all your demons, you would take the advise of those who raised you to believe in the bible for wisdom  and  guidance. I am seeing a refusal sign on your face to do that. I can offer you more misery if that is what you want.

Oh! Please go away, and let me think about what you have just told me. I understand now that I must have that same “bible believing  character” to lay a hand on me and throw all the other demons out that possess me.  Thank you for dropping by. I no longer have a vacancy.

I have just talked myself out of a place to live, but there are lots of other places I can move into.  Good-bye.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp