Friday, December 31, 2021

“Fear Is The Beginning Of Knowledge” This New Year's Eve of 2022 I am being flooded with memories that makes me cry like a lost child. My precious son, Rick, is so close to me today till I almost can't stand it. We buried him a few month's ago, and I just want to go to the graveyard and spend some time with him. I am having a terrible struggle with trying to fight the evil demon that is trying so hard to take over my joy. The odds are against me because of the global COVID disease that is keeping me mostly at home. If Rick were with me I wouldn't want to go anywhere. But being at home alone day after day can become very dreadful, In the past I have always been with friends on New Year's Eve to watch the old year out, and welcome the new one in. Times are changing fast now, and one has to fight like crazy to keep the enemy from knocking you out. He wants us to think it is God speaking to us with all this scary stuff when it's really him speaking. My mother used to always assure me of that, but she is no longer here on this earth so now I just have to remember her comforting words. No one needs to tell me it is just I having trouble keeping my sanity at this time. All you have to do is watch the news, and you can see it is one of the worst times in centuries that people are dying with the deadly disease or dying from the fear of getting it. I personally have known several in my own circle of friends and family. Even little children are taking their own life for lack of ability to deal with the change they are being put through. Worst of all is the fear of things worsening. Anyone in their right mind can see the demon power that has managed to take control of everything good God had provided for his people. That is enough for anyone to become down in their spiritual life. When is God going to say enough is enough? He does have that power, but for some reason He is holding back. After saying all of this I will be waiting for the New Year to begin with more anger than ever before to fight this ungodly demon that is killing people by the millions. I'm asking everyone to take up their spiritual weapons, and put the devil's army on the run. It can happen if people will quit giving ear to the wrong power. It will take great courage, but please do not give up. Victory is just a short way ahead. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Thursday, December 30, 2021

“Positive Thinking” Patience is the magic word today. When I asked God for something to brighten my day, the word patience immediately came to my mind. In all reality patience was what I thought I already had enough of, and I just needed something to go with it. My own way of defining patience is not giving up. Since reading my bible is a daily habit, and watching the evil escalate daily, how can one keep having patience? I see some of my own, dear family being totally blinded to the ungodly corruption they are engaged in. Every bone in my body aches while I see this happening. Yet my Lord said patience. I believe with the deepest sincerity that God is a Just God, so I can be thankful for that, but it still hurts to see so many who have, seemingly passed over the road of no return. I cannot agree with those liberal preachers who convince people they can do anything they want to do and God will still be forgiving. Of course God is a forgiving God, but He plainly says what so ever a man soweth that shall he also reap. Their past will follow them to the grave, and what happens there after is unknown to me, I do believe. I truly believe no one knows the answer to that. According to the bible there will be A Great Judgment Day. No one will ever be able to convince me that God never gets angry. The Old Testament is all about God's anger with His chosen people. The New Testament is when God had mercy enough to send His Son to die for their sins, but even then they would not accept Jesus. We who have been accepted by God are now part of His chosen people. We believe in His Son, Jesus, with all of our heart. But that is not to say God don't get angry when we ignore His teachings, and do as we please. His Ten Commandants are still to be practiced in our lives daily. They are part of the New Testament. Woe be to these liberal preachers who are deceiving the people, and allowing them to live a very sinful life without warning them of the consequences. So my patience must stay strong, and I must not ever doubt God. There is a reason, and a season, for all things. Let us look up for our redemption draweth nigh. God will wipe away all tears from our eyes. By faith I believe I will see Jesus face to face. Not because someone told me that, but because Jesus Himself let me see the nail prints in His Hand many years ago, and He has never dimmed that picture. I see it every day of my life. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Only Trust Him” Now that Christmas 2021 is over, I'm back to wondering what is going to happen tomorrow. At the start of 2021 many of us had doubts that Christmas 2021 would happen, but I am here to say I had the best Christmas spirit than I had had in many years. Although I saw a great let up in outside decorations when we drove around looking at yard decorations. We saw some beautiful scenes of lighted Christmas bulbs, but just a few compared to the usual. No doubt the evil, Jesus haters, will be back again to completely destroy our Savior's birthday. Nothing on earth can be more important than remembering Jesus Birthday. The day may come when we are forced to deny our Savior's birth or die. We should all be preparing for such a fateful thing as that. It will be in a time such as that that many will suddenly forget some of their stubborn, ridiculous, hate they have held in their heart for so long. That feeling of, better than thou, will disappear, but will it be too late? Does anyone really think that Jesus will listen to their side of the story? After all He is the Great Judge. And in case you don't know Jesus already knows both sides of the story. Man was made to disagree, but disagreeing is not cutting away from the ones whom Jesus has forgiven. Ask thyself, is it all about me, or Jesus? Surly people know that a plague of disease has been sent to us by God. Therefore only God can lift it. How far are we willing to go before we stop thinking we are smarter than God? He is saying, turn from your wicked ways, and I will heal your land. Our God is a patient God, but He says, “My spirit does not always deal with man.” How much longer do we have? The Spirit of God is calling people back to the Temple to worship Him. As for me I would rather die inside the Temple than outside. It has been a battle to say the least, but I believe we need to stay faithful to God's Temple, and respect Him for restoring it when the enemy tore it down in Israel. God Bless Myrtle Jean

Monday, December 27, 2021

I am so proud of my new 11 model computer my son and daughter-in-law got me for Christmas, Everything plugs in behind the monitor. Of course I am having to learn everything new again, but in time I will get there. That is if my nerves hold out. So far the changing times hasn't lost me yet. Things are suppose to be getting easier and more simple, but one still has to start all over again to get to these simpler things. My best technicians, my son and daughter-in-law, live in Sherman, Texas so I can't depend on them very often. I am sure when the next version of computer technology comes out I will not even try to endure the improved, easier, advanced enlightenment. But I was not ready to give up when my 10 version quite me. Ay 89 I still have a lot yet to be said. I am proudly, but not boastfully saying I have almost reached the 100,000,00 mark of clicks on my blog since I have been writing them. How could I be doing anything else that would please my Lord more than that? I am reminded over, and over of the quote, “only one life life twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.” Some of us need to get it in high gear. I had one of the best Christmas's I have ever had. My son, and daughter-in-law were so much help to me. They both worked to fix everything that had broken down, and cleaned, and trimmed rose bushes in my yard. Grilled two nights with a rack of ribs, and some pork short ribs. Delicious food, and wonderful memory conversations. They spent three nights with me, and I am missing them so much. But they both have jobs at home that people are depending on them for to make great things happen. I am thankful for them to serve God in their own way. I feel so positive about a New Year. I believe God is using His people to do the prophetic work that He needs to encourage His faithful ones while He punishes the unfaithful ones. Yes I do believe we have a plague of disease sent by God to punish the evil who have mocked, and cursed The Almighty God. I believe we are in the beginning time of tribulation the bible speaks of. When it gets to the worse time of tribulation I believe that is when God will send his Son, Jesus, back to take His faithful ones to Heaven. He will appear in a cloud, and many will be left behind. Is it too late for some of us? I hope not. Give it some thought, I pray. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp