Friday, September 10, 2021

“A Black Dream” I had a very scary, unusual dream last night. I'm not one to put much belief in dreams, but this one is an exception. My husband has been gone for 8 ½ years, and in this dream he and I were traveling together, possible to Colorado. It was just he, and I. We drove upon a place where a fire had burned everything every way we looked. It was solid black as far as we could see. There was no fire or smoke we could see at all. Not even a stump, or a sign of anything that used to be there. At first we thought nothing much about it because we had come upon burned acres of land before, but the farther we drove the blacker the whole world around us seemed. Finally we realized we had driven into a place we believed was hell. It was then that I awoke from the dream. Now the reason I'm writing this story is because when I got up this morning and looked out my east window I saw a small sun that had just been up a few minutes. It was solid red , and looked like blood. I grabbed my camera, and took a picture, but the camera didn't show the blood red it really was. I posted it on face book, but one can barely see a little red. I truly believe these two unusual events happened for a reason. I have been unable all day long to lose this awful, fearful feeling. All I can do is wait for further happenings which I believe is coming soon. I felt like I was already awake to the anger of the Almighty God at this time, but now I feel like I am much more awake to the reality of His anger. I would encourage people to flog to the church alters, and restore, and claim even more faith than ever before. The future is very black, and scary. I feel so certain that time is running out fast. Every move I make now I pray, and trust God that it is the right thing to do. I don't just say a short prayer. I toil, and hassle for days, and sometimes weeks before I get peace over certain things. Even then I have to continue to use faith to keep my peace. I don't know how much longer I will live, but I am still standing on faith God gave me sixty some years ago. I have endured many hard battles, but never felt left alone. I still have victory, and I believe I will have it till the end. God Bless Myrtle Jean Sharp

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