Saturday, October 6, 2018

":May Instant Healing Come To Justice Kavanaugh"

Thank God for answering prayer again. Judge Kavanaugh is now Justice Kavanaugh. 10-6-2018 Perryton, TX

  After several weeks of torture for Judge Kavanaugh and his family, he has finally become Justice Kavanaugh. When God chooses a servant for a special job, He never leaves them defeated. The mighty hand of God is at work bringing back the law of His Word that had been destroyed by evil forces. The law that was brought to America by followers of His Word. Those forefathers must be praising God in their graves at this time. How brave they were, and how powerful they were made by the Father of all creation. So powerful that two hundred and forty some years later we have hung onto it. Our constitution was almost a thing of the past before President Trump was chosen by God to fight back. This president has been 500 percent successful in restoring the good, the power, and the respect for God that the forefathers built it on. I for one, am one happy child of God today.

I am barely getting this bit of blog on today, but I had to stay with the conformation hearing to the end. I had to see, and hear all of it first hand. It was a thrill, and a most blessed time of my life. I have been responding on face book, and by telephone to my thoughts, and opinions, of this historical event, and I will always be doing the same. I feel like I helped this great victory happen today. A player in the game always gets part of the credit for winning. It's sad that so many refused to help with this terrible battle, because God had to do the biggest part Himself. He could have won the battle without any help from anyone, but I'm convinced that He asked His followers to join forces with Him to fight the battles. There will be more battles as time passes, but I will always be a soldier as long as I live. I have written this in haste as I have a deadline to meet, but I did make my point.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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