Monday, October 1, 2018

"Happy Anxious And positive"

              Front yard white mums and roses are looking pretty. 10-1-2018 Perryton, TX

How proud I am of my fall flowers. They are starting to look pretty, and add interest to my front yard. I sat out on my front porch and feel blessed to have fresh smelling flowers around me. The cool evening breeze makes for a relaxing, and enjoyable, quite evening. I wave at my neighbors as they pass by. Sometimes we meet each other to chat a bit. I do have wonderful neighbors. After living in this house for fifty years it does seem like home. After living here that long several different neighbors have occupied the houses. In a two block area I am the only one who is the original builder of my house, and they were all built about the same time. All four of my children graduated from high school just across the street from me. This place is also home to them. Thank you Lord for so many good memories. By the time I am ready to retire for the day I am anxious for a new tomorrow. It's like the drama continues, and there will probably never be an end till God unleashes His anger. I can go to sleep without any kind of sleeping pill, but It does take a great while. I don't want anything erased from my mind, but I do try to mostly think upon the good things as God asked us to. I awake every morning feeling refreshed, and ready to face the new day.

I pretty much have a daily routine that makes me happy, because I can feel useful, and helpful. Sometimes I have to push myself to do the jobs I feel important, but most of the time I get them done. I never fail to pray and read a chapter in the bible every night if I am at home. Even when I'm extremely tired, I won't miss this important, special time to thank God, and read His message to me for the next day. Nothing else I do is more rewarding than this time of reverence to my Lord. It puts a smile on my face, and a song in my heart. Lately I have been feeling a lot of anger to the evil side of our nation's population, but I ask God each night to use me the way He wishes. I know sometimes we have to take a stand against evil if we want to keep our Christian privileges. I believe God expects that of us. Thank God for the Supreme Court nominee who has used his Godly power to rebuke the evil few who are the devil's advocate, and are trying with all their might to overthrow our government. A few more who have also faced the evil opposition of those refusing to confirm this great, Godly, Judge need to be praised also. It's time to face the modern day giant. His life is about to end, and what a thrill that will be to the believers of God who have been praying none stop. I don't know about you, but I don't plan to miss any of this exciting, fierce battle that will bring victory to all who love God and country. Praise the name of God.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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