I for one, along with millions of others, have lost a great deal of our patience with people who have different views than we. We use to be more like, “turn the other cheek,” but you have caused us to have to take up arms against you, mentally. Unfortunately the opposing side has chosen to do violence, and perform with acts of Satanic power. You three have added to this kind of ungodly behavior, and strengthened the deadly force of those evil fighters, Who should be ashamed, Senator Collins? You, more than the leaker of Dr. Fords letter, should be ashamed. I still believe “what goes around comes around.” I will be waiting for that to happen.
This evil has gone too far, and gotten too much out of hand to ever be settled by any attempts of kindness. That has already been tried several times. It will take an act of God to cull out the evil that is so widely spread. If Senator Collins though she could do that, with Senator Flake's help, I say they both are wrong, and only added to the violence. You have done nothing but added to the anger of those who have tried so hard to be nice, and was praying for peace without violence. Now it's time for God to enter the ring. Little by little God is winning this war, but how far will the evil go before they realize they are beaten? As for me and my house we will serve the Lord, and be shielded by His almighty power. He promised us that the battle is His, and not ours. I will eat, drink, and be merry while I can. I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able, to do that He has committed and will be with me till the end.
“Thank you Lord for taking away my fears, and giving me peace in the time of trouble. May you be with all my friends and loved ones, and give them the same blessings in Jesus name I ask.”
God Bless
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