Sunday, October 7, 2018

"America As We Know It"

                        Looks like fall to me. So sad, but that's ok. 10-7-2018 Perryton, TX
It's 53 degree here in Perryton, Texas today, and is drizzling rain for the third day. As soon as it dries up I will be harvesting the asparagus, and moving the flower pots to the garage for the winter. I always cut the asparagus to the ground then pile it on top of the roots to keep them from freezing during winter months. A very big job is ahead of me, and I can't wait to get started. I have had a blessed year with lots of pretty flowers, and a few vegetables to brag about. I had one tomato vine with two tomatoes on it. I brought it home from Chuck's house because it was dying in the pot he bought and didn't set it out. It finally started growing and I now have two green tomatoes on it. I'm waiting for them to ripen so I can give Chuck one. He let all of his plants die. He just didn't have good enough health this past summer, but seems to be doing better now.

I am looking forward to Thanksgiving. Although I have nothing planned as yet, I know I will be having a great time with some of my children. Until then I have several things scheduled that I will be fully enjoying. God is so good, and I can/t thank Him enough. I just need Him to stop me from cooking so much. When you have three kind of pies in your fridge at once, that's got to be a sin when you are living alone. Those extra pounds are not what I need, and food seems to be my main focus now. Even the Center where I eat three times a week is tempting us more. Oh well. I will get it under control soon. God can stop my mind from craving, but I first have to ask.

Tomorrow is Columbus Day. I hope everyone will remember that Great, brave, man who sailed the ocean blue in 1492. Later made it home for me and you. We are still fighting for the land of the free, and the brave, and yesterday won a great victory for that Columbus wave. We are here to stay, but not by anchoring our ship. We must keep sailing till the waves we whip. God bless Columbus, and God bless America.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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