Tuesday, September 4, 2018

"Who Wants To Beat A Stubborn Child To Death"

Supreme Court Nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, at confirmation hearing today 9-4-2018 Perryton, TX

I watched a big part of the confirmation hearing today for Supreme Court Nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. As usual the Democrats started out to disallow the hearing to take place. They were told at the very beginning that this hearing would take place, but as usual they do not take authority from the other side, and fought tooth and toenail to stop the meeting. They refuse to obey the rule of law, and try to hijack anything the Republicans do. Not one speck of decency or respect was given by any of the democratic committee members. They do not want America to be great, but are fighting for a one world leader so they can continue to try and get their choice of such a leader. Ex President Obama, and Hillary Clinton were working hand in hand to obtain that position. They were so sure they had accomplished that goal, but found out later they were only fooling themselves. They never gave up, neither do they intend to. They have split our country up, and continue to finish the job they started out to do. Our weak, unqualified, Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, is letting this happen, and he will be held accountable by millions of Loyal Americans who have done their part to clean up the swamp. Jeff Sessions will be the cause of an all out Civil war if he doesn't act quickly to stop the corruption that has been going on by the democrats for years. One has to believe he is part of that evil power who has decided on a one world leader. A few of our own GOP members also fit into that thought. Deceit is being uncovered everywhere you look, yet the Attorney General will not bring any charges against any except the few GOP members that get charged for less punishable crimes by far than Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama committed.

Today has been proof that the Democrats do not want a true, and fair democracy or they would have totally agreed to confirm this highly qualified, fair, and honorable Judge Brett Kavanaugh without any of the hellish action they chose to unleash. There is no doubt in my mind that when the last bit of patience has been exhausted by the GOP members our President will burst into action, and hell will be worse on earth than it is in the pit. I believe it's going to take just that, although we all still try to keep it from happening. We will see some of the Old Testament acts happening right here in our times. The killing of men was no more than killing a fly. I have read about it in the Old Testament many of times. I used to wonder how that terrible slaughter of thousands at a time could possible have happened, now I think I might actually see it instead of reading about it. I will pray daily for peace, but God will have things His way regardless. He is a loving God, but also an angry God when people ignore His warnings.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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