Monday, September 3, 2018

"The Good And The Bad"

                                            Labor Day 2018 Perryton, TX

Home safe and sound. I had a wonderful Labor Day week-end visiting with family and friends. Made it home in time to put my American flag up. I saw so many flags while traveling till It looked like Memorial Day. I know people are sending the message loud and clear, “leave America alone.” I joined in that message of triumph as soon as I got home. I believe the American lovers, and fighters out number the American haters, and losers two to one. The swamp is slowly, but surly being drained. Nothing can stop that now. We have the right man in the right place to get the job done. Thank God for our President, and thank God for America. I came home relaxed, and refreshed ready to rejoin the American fighters to flush out all the trash. I think it's going to take more than an ocean of water to flush it out. I believe it's going to take the mighty, powerful hand of God to dump it into hellfire. While on this trip we visited an ordinary gaming place where people go to share friendship with each other, and play the game of chance. I have gone and enjoyed myself with family and friends many times. On this particular time I was shocked at some of the dress, and conduct, that some were engaged in. I have heard that in many places anything of disgrace can be expected to be seen in the open view of all people, but never did I want to believe it would spread to our smaller cities of respect for Christianity. My eyes have seen that come true here in our beloved places of fun, and cheer to the older seekers of less boredom. What a reality it is when you see two young, pretty girls sitting next to you making love. Not to even mention the vulgar, almost nothing, cloths some were wearing, Very much over weight women, and men, but especially women, were dressed like they were ready for the offer. I wasn't aware of any misconduct caused by drugs or alcohol. It was more to the sex addict, and unnatural at that. I said a prayer to help me get control. I cannot, and will not, ever understand how such people can survive.

I did not know I was going to write this garbage when I sat down at my computer, How does this add anything to praising, and honoring our country? It possibly needed to be said so that more awareness can be gained for the need of draining the swamp. We simply cannot let this filth continue to pile up, or we all are going to be living in hell while still on this earth. Nothing but God Almighty can destroy this evil disease that has now become an epidemic. Will you all please pray with me to ask God to use His rod of correction until the deadly disease is cleared up?

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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