Friday, August 3, 2018

"This Grain Of Sand Is Acting Big"

This is the top of the wedding cake flower. See the yellow writing on top. I think it says, "I LOVE YOU." 8-3-2018 Perryton, TX
The little girl in me is having fun trying to solve mysteries. I truly believe the yellow writing on top of this wedding cake flower says, “I love you.” It was my sweetheart's message to me for the day. I hope he finds one in his flower garden that says, “I love you too.” I have so much time on hand now to smell the roses, and look for messages that didn't come through the mail. What fun it is to be free from hard work every day, and watch the clock tick. I am never late for any appointment, or time agreement to meet someone for going out. If you are still young you really have something to look forward to. The golden in the Golden Years spelled backwards spells nedlog. Yes we are having fun, but we need a log to jot things down on. The first laugh I had today at the Center happened before I even got my food. This handsome man tried to say I was breaking the line, and he was five feet behind his wife talking to another guy. He insisted that I go ahead of him, but I grabbed his arm and said “get your butt up here.” I told him that was my first laugh since I had arrived, but it sure wouldn't be the last. Oh! How I love those retardo's. We are living in the best part of our lives. I thank God for keeping us young.

Since I don't have a house keeper I do need to wash dishes, and run the sweeper, but I'm in no hurry. I am my own boss now, and have been for the past five years. At first I didn't like it, but it gets better every day. Of course I had to train myself. I cannot stand to let my house or yard go undone. I just don't always have to do it right now. I've always been known for having lots of patience. However, I do have trouble sticking to a healthy diet. I don't like it when I gain a few extra pounds. I like to hear my doctor say, “you're doing excellent” when I go for my annual check-up. I just heard those words last month. I know that is because I have learned just how big God is.

If anyone is wondering about how big, and how great God is, here is the description that the prophet Isaiah gave of Him. Chapter 40:12. Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance? This is only one verse of many that Isaiah has asked, “how big is God.” We need to read these words often, and let them really sink in. They will surly make us feel smaller than a grain of sand. They will surly make us want to hide behind the cross.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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