Tuesday, August 21, 2018

"Jesus Prays In The Garden"

   They are holding on for dear life even this late in the summer. 8-21-2018 Perryton, TX
I just came in from admiring my flowers. Amazing how lively some of them are looking even as late in the summer as it is. Insects are thick, and the grasshoppers are hopping everywhere. They don't seem to be bothering the flowers. I so hate to think about when those pretty flowers are all gone. I probably will be forced to start painting again. I certainly don't want to just fade away like the flowers. I am the flower that blooms the year round, although I don't have a pretty face like my pretty flowers in the yard. I just want to keep smiling, and try to help others to smile. No one likes half dead flowers in their view, although we will do all we can to make them live happy, and keep their last beauty as long as possible. Can we get a big smile from everyone?

I can compare my struggling flowers with our struggling free country. The country that was suppose to bloom the year round, is also dying by the day. Someone must have sprayed poison from a very big tank plane. It must have made thousands of swaths from coast to coast to have killed so much of our liberty and justice for all. All Americans must work hard and tirelessly to save the rest of the American beauty that's left. Our President can't do it all by himself. Our justice system has already died, but together we can revive it. We must never, never give up. Please don't try to kid me I know everyone of you are being threatened by this evil enemy in some way. It will get worse before it gets better. Only those who believe, and trust in God will be spared. In my own house, and my neighborhood I have seen this evil at work. I live in a small, peaceful, and Godly community, so think about it. How mush more are these evil demons at work in the larger communities? Who can dare say I am exaggerating? If anything it's much worse than I have described. Yet many of so-called Christians are refusing to admit their sin, and spread God's love one to another like never before. It will take a swat from God right in the behind to make people give in to changing their lives. Even a very hard swat will not change some, because they have hardened their heats to self righteousness, and have seared their conscience. How sad, but how true. God demands His children to live, and act like His Son Jesus taught them to. No where in the bible will you find where Jesus accepted the accuser's reason for condemning their dis liked person they brought before Him. The bible plainly says that he who says he is without sin is sinning already. Those who always seek vengeance is living in sin, and are without God's mercy. Can we all make an attempt to do better? I am trying every day.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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