Wednesday, August 1, 2018

"This Rose Is For You"

         I found it hidden behind all the bare bushes. Beautiful rose. 8-1-2018 Perryton, TX
I was searching for something beautiful yesterday, and found this lovely rose hidden behind an almost bare bush close to the house. This late in the summer there isn't must beauty left in my yard, but I will keep looking because I like beauty too much to settle for anything less. Sometimes we are suddenly surprised at a beauty we happen to see in someone, or some thing, that we hadn't seen before. That is why we need to always be looking for that one awesome trait of beauty that is sometimes hidden to the eye. We so often preconceive our dislikes before thoroughly searching the bush. We don't need to go to the extent of getting stuck with thorns, but patience is painless if we dare to use some. This one lovely rose was the only thing on a group of bushes that was nothing but leaves, and a few tiny, half dead, mixed breed roses. Nothing of interest was worth a second glance, but I was looking for something beautiful, and I found it.

I will strive to be patient the rest of my life. I will try hard not to discard any hope I may have for finding beauty in someone I had though to be ruthless in many ways. There is a song with these words that I have always liked. “I overlooked an orchid while searching for a rose.” With all the choices we have in life this statement could be applied to most of us. That is why we need to look deeply into the hidden parts of humanity to discover the best of the nature of that creation. “God has created all things, as for the pleasure He has created, God has created all things.” If I fail to find beauty in some, I will not say it's not there. I will say I found it not because God hid it from me, but not until I had used lots of patience, and said many prayers. After all God is the one who hid the Easter eggs. The hunter doesn't always find them all.

Why did I wake up at 3:30 this morning and could not go back to sleep? Why did I get up at 5:30 and turn on the coffee pot? Why did I start writing this blog at 6:00 ? All because God led me to do these things. He may be using me to be that hidden rose someone has overlooked in their own rose bush. I am simply saying, don't walk away and vow to never come back to that ruthless one whom you just might have overlooked a beautiful rose on. Sometimes we may have to look several times before we find it. Until the last limb is dead don't cut the bushes back. They might not come back next year, so be gentle with your trimming. “Lord let me be the one to receive the most from these words.”

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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