Sunday, August 12, 2018

"Grilled Anger For Satan"

                                            Grilled anger for Satan. 8-12-2018 Perryton, TX

I'm getting ready to take in a hamburger cook-out at church in a little while. The Sunday dinner was replaced today with this cook-out. It's just a one time thing before summer ends. This will be a fun time, and a chance to visit much longer than the dinner thing. It will also be nice to spend time with people rather than staying home all evening and night by yourself. I do not enjoy the week-ends if I have no where to go. Week days I am usually busy, and the time passes fast. We had a nice service this morning, and I had a chance to try out my new hearing aids. I am not satisfied with them just yet, but I believe I will be in time. I am so blessed to have a nice church with so many nice people who make you feel so important. It is not perfect, but the most perfect one I've found yet. I am one of the less perfect ones that go there. How lucky I am.

I can truly say that my faith has been tested lately more than ever before. I'm trying to believe it's my age, but my past experience with God answering so many prayers for me should make my faith stronger each day. I am positive that everyone has more to worry about these days than ever before, because it's plain to see that our great country is in deep trouble. To those who read their bibles daily there is no doubt but what it is going to get worse. More and more people of little faith are going to be fooled into joining forces with Satan, and that makes it much harder for the seasoned Christians to stay strong, and try to understand. Anger at this kind of ignorance is the hardest to control. Did not God give us a certain amount of temper to use as necessary when the enemy refuses to leave our camp? When do we go from patience to anger when we clearly see the tricks of Satan capturing our young, and making them into his slaves? Little children being ripped up from their happy home, and left to cry all through the night. Whatever it takes for me to preach the gospel to these kidnapped parents, I will do in the name of Jesus. They cannot call me bad enough names to make me duck my tail and run. My life is not more important than those innocent, precious, little children. But how can I preach to the ignorant without getting angry? They chose to follow Satan, and would not listen to the loving voice of God before they made their choice. For the sake of the wounded little children I will pray daily for whatever tool I need to help them. It it's taking the memory of their stupid parents completely away from them, “please do it God. Give them a chance to live without tears every day of their life.”

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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