Wednesday, August 29, 2018

"God's Blessings Continues"

I'm done. Beroux and fried chicken were the last foods on my menu to take on my home-away-from-home trip. 8-29-2018 Perryton, TX.
One more day and I will be starting to celebrate Labor Day week-end. My cooking is all done, and I am ready to pack my luggage tomorrow. I am more than ready for this short trip. It has been over a year since I saw my sisters, and I can't wait. Just praying that the weather will stay nice. I will also have the pleasure of getting away from the television for awhile. The whole week has been nothing but the funeral services of Senator John McCain. God help us to remember that his death didn't stop our enemies from trying to kill us all. If anything it helped the enemies to gain grown on us, because too many of our leaders are wasting time on a deceased Senator. Thank God our President is standing tall in the face of all the criticism that's being thrown at him. His heart and mind is on more important things than something that is over, and done with. God bless those people who like to be in the spot light. Some of it is a good thing, but not all of the time, expense, and drama that's being used. I'm sure that North Korea is laughing up their sleeve. I seriously doubt that God is approving of it all. Satan is the only one who is enjoying all the drama. I truly believe that John McCain is being used as a deterrent by the liberals to try harder to impeach our President. What a shame to be part of such a mob against our country. Many of these, not-so-innocent people, will be found out sooner or later of their real reasons for being so emotional in the view of millions of people while acting in sympathy for Senator McCain.

Life goes on, and times will get worse, but never forget only those who are honest, faithful to God, and willing to pay the price will come through victoriously. “Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit, sayeth the Lord.” I am so glad I believe in the Word of God. It is the only true book that's been written. It's free, and feeds you daily on spiritual food. Only a fool would not believe in it. Many Christians have been listening to the wrong spirit, as the bible tells us they will do. They are being led down the wrong path, and don't realize it. It is almost impossible to recover the deceived one, and the evil spirits are free to terrorize, and keep their prisoners suffering. God waits patiently, but the fools they have become are not ever going to leave their hell hole to join up with the Heavenly Host. They are in much more trouble than those who have not learned how to trust God. The ignorant of God's saving power at lest know they are not going to trust the evil spirits. Which would you think are the better ones? The ignorant, and not the stupid who have left their first love. What a dreadful day for those who have strayed from God's love, and mercy/

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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