Tuesday, August 14, 2018

"Beauty Comes From God Not Man"

                     Multi color roses are interesting to the eye. 8-14-2018 Perryton, TX
I have several rose bushes that bear multi-color roses. The one I have posted is made up of white, light pink, dark pink, and almost a touch of red. I believe in the animal world of dogs these roses would be called mutts. But they are still very beautiful. I also have a mixed tone of yellows that are gorgeous. I love all my roses be they pure bred, or mixed breed. I also see this in the human race. Every human is created by God, and only He can make them beautiful. It is not the color, sex, nor size that makes the Master's bouquet beautiful, It's the perfection of the arrangement. A rose bouquet that has lost some of it's pedals is not fit to be set on the King's table. Considering we are a rose and want to be chosen as a center piece on the Kings table, we must be of strong character, without jealousy of the other roses. We must take care not to lose a pedal. We must stay lively even when the water is low on our stem. I have noticed some roses stay livelier than others even when the water is at full capacity. Maybe the florist was not able to get the best, well groomed roses, and had to substitute with next-beat. The moral of this story is if we don't have the best character, the perfect amount of pedals, the ability to stay lively in low water, we may not be fit for the King's arrangement, but He may use us at the guest's table. Everyone has a place in the good life God made for us, but we must not abuse that place by refusing to accept the natural beauty of our heritage.

The bible teaches us that beauty comes from the heart. No matter how much we may try to make this body look better, or how much we may try to dramatize to be more noticeable, if the heart is not beautiful then neither will the body be. The heart is made beautiful by giving it wholly to God. No other way can this be possible but to admit that we are as low as the dirt on the ground, and ask God to make us whole. If we ever decide to take our heart back from God, then we will become ten times uglier. While God is all about love, He is not all gullible. He is a jealous God, and will not allow no other God but Him. He is a just God, and will not judge unfairly. He tells us in his Word that all are equal, and no one can be wise but by His (God's) own delivery. A quote from God that I have always remembered is this, “if anyone lack wisdom let him ask of God.” James 1:5. Ask, trust, and deliver, and faith will increase daily.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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