Thursday, August 23, 2018

"Beautiful Raindrops From God's Heaven"

                                  A lot of rain quick at my house. 8-23-2018 Perryton TX
I had barely gotten the steaks off the grill yesterday when a down pour erupted, and put 3.2/10 inch of rain in the rain gauge. It had sprinkled a little a few minutes before giving the hot grill a cooling off, so I could put the cover back on. The grill sits out without anything to shield it from rain except the tarp I use to cover It. The rain was so appreciated, and I even enjoyed the steaks more. Chuck asked why I didn't cook more. I wish I had of, but it looked like I had plenty. They just lasted through one day after we had dinner last evening. I woke up last night at 2:30 in the morning, and was amazed at the beautiful large, bright moon just over my house. After so much rain I wasn't expecting to see a moon so soon. Today the sun has shown brightly all day. We still have a lot to be thankful for.

I doubt that a day ever passes but what I cry some. My mind just refuses to stay clear of all my friends, and family members who have been taken away from me. It usually doesn't last long, but the grief pains can be very loud for a few seconds. Some days my mind dwells all day long, and even into the night with sweet memories I have had with these precious loved ones. I don't know if that's good or bad, but I seem to bounce back even in a more positive way after my mentally visit with them. I've heard it said, and I believe it that one never appreciates their dear ones until after they are gone. We have just always taken them for granite, like we would always have them. Of course there is the thoughts that I wish I had shown more love and kindness to all of them. This is called, I believe, a judgment day that each one of us will have after life is over in this world. I pray every night that I will be a better person tomorrow, but that may not always happen. My best advise is be tough, and take life for whatever it hands you, but always remember God hears us every time we ask Him for peace. Without Him we would always fail.

I'm asking God to help me correct all my mistakes, even though I still don't know what I missed, and what I didn't. I try hard to make a good score, but I just can't be perfect. I don't think God will hold me over in the first grade, because He understands I am a little child, and children sometimes have to be given extra time to get it straight. My Heavenly Father would not have me ignorant all my life. He will spend extra time with me to avoid that. “Ask and ye shall receive.” In Jesus name the need is answered.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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