Sunday, July 1, 2018

"The Sunflower Follows The Sun"

My sunflowers have grown almost into the trees. At the top of the picture. 7-1-2018 Perryton, TX
This is the sun flower that the birds planted. It will get much taller, and the flowers will get much bigger. I can see six altogether that will open up. It is very hot today, and I will be watering when the sun starts to go down. There are some ripe strawberries on the plants. They will make good strawberry short cakes. The lawn will get mowed again tomorrow. We already need more rain. The thundering and lightening last night didn't produce one drop of rain. The past two nights it seemed sure to rain, but missed us completely. We have had nearly 10 inches though, in the past two weeks.

Church services today were refreshing. A nice crowd of people, and a good sermon was fitting to be praised. God always blesses those who put him first. We rejoice every time a new family joins our church. As has been the case many times before, Satan waits till I get home from church to attack me. Today he tried hard to destroy my victory. The thing I was giving praises unto God for, Satan said you're being fooled. It's not that way at all. Can we wonder why that evil snake would be so quick to tackle us when we see every day more and more of these vipers crawling in every direction? I admit I will be on pins and needles for a few days now, until I can rest assured that the devil was lying to me. I use to never be weak with my faith, but something has happened to change all of that. The reality is, God is giving people what they deserve because they became frantic over the way He punishes evil. Is there such a thing as good evil? Not really, but we try to make excuses for those who are totally ignorant of the wrath of God. The evil they live with is buried beneath their desire to be called wise, and understanding. Evil cannot go unpunished even though the Eve's that was caught up in it, was once good. If I lose this one, I will fight even harder to win the next one. I have been worried in times past of making that one bad mistake like Eve did, but so far the worry was always in vain, and I escaped the fear. It could have been just the mercy of God with me, but I felt like I was lucky, and needed to be more wise next time. I feel that the latter was the right feeling for me. We should never take God for granite. I might add, when you realize you've been taken by evil. You need to rebuke that demon in the name of Jesus, and he will flee from you. A way is waiting for you to chose for the better, but you must trust God for all things. Just stop being foolish, and claim the wisdom of Solomon.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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