Last night I had to take this picture just as the sun went down. This the view from my patio. 6-30-2018 Perryton, TX
Just as the sun went down
last night I got my shot of inspiration, and my day ended in peace,
and joy, after all. My blank silence through out the day turned to
ambition, and I worked outside until nearly dark. This morning I went
straight to the yard and spent 2 ½ hours pulling weeds, and wild
grass out of my flower garden. I am still very tired this afternoon,
but feel anything but blank thoughts. I was too tired to go to the
Widower's meeting, but so happy to have my yard looking good. My
mosquitoes spray is not my favorite cologne, but it wasn't too bad.
At least I didn't get one bite. I did a lot of rock lifting, and
tying up the asparagus stalks from off the ground for which I already
feel soreness coming on, but that too will be o k tomorrow. It's not
like I'm not used to hard work. When you're down you're down, but
when you're up you're up. I am up most of the time, thank God. For
those who read my blog yesterday you already know I had a down day. I
feel blessed that we didn't have rain last night. I had watered until
dark, but after I went to bed it thundered and lightened, and the
weather map on television showed rain in our area. We didn't get one
drop. If it had of rained I couldn't have cleaned the weeds out of my
flower garden. The watering I did made the ground just right for
pulling the weeds. I am hoping for rain tonight. I truly believe it
will happen. Rain or shine, I'm going to church tomorrow. I can't
wait for a bath, and fixing my hair. I almost feel like I have the
world by the tail.
I have not made plans for
the Forth of July. I might stay home, since last year I planned to go
to our lake a few miles away, but it stormed. Our lake is one place
you don't want to be when it storms. The weather report says rain and
storm clouds are expected for several days in our area. I probably
will cook out on the grill for Chuck and I. We neither one care about
fireworks any more. Those days are long past. We can't stand the heat
any more either. For many years my husband and I took our family to
this lake on the Fourth of July and stayed till long after dark
watching the fire works. It took over an hour to drive the seventeen
miles home, due to all the string of cars that left at the same time.
I don't have that much patience anymore either. As a child the Forth
of July was a most exciting time for me. We always had a large family
gathering, and had freezers full of home made ice cream. The small
children always had small fire crackers to light, and the older ones
had larger ones. It was a happy jubilee time. Time does change
God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp
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