Saturday, June 16, 2018

"The Brave Little Toad Frog"

This little toad frog would not get out of my way. I nearly stepped on it several times. 6-16-2018 Perryton, TX
I am so proud of myself today. I spent hours repairing a screen door, and screen wire that had come loose from the sides of the patio. I painted about half of the woodwork, and put the door back up. I hope to finish the rest of the work by Monday. Painting the patio floor will be the last of the project. This job should have been done two years ago, so naturally I am very excited to be nearly through with all of this paint and repair work. A little toad frog was determined to stay with me while I worked. I almost stepped on him several times. He would not leave his home which was in a small flower space joining the patio. Every time I got within inches of him he would hope just a bit, but not enough for me to work without making him move again. Oh! To be blessed with friends. I'm thankful I never fell off the ladder once, but was I ever careful. My telephone was in my pocket. I have to be proud of my work, and thankful at the same time. I love doing this kind of work, and I hope I can do it for many more years. I will be painting some of the patio furniture before putting it back. At least two tables. Yesterday I rabbit-proofed my strawberry patch. I put a wire fence all around it and then used screen wire to make sure the smaller rabbits couldn't squeeze through. Those rabbits really like my ripe strawberries.

I'm waiting for a call from a granddaughter who was supposed to have left early this morning from Houston for Anchorage Alaska. She told me last night she would keep me updated. Rayna you should be there by now, please let me hear from you. She is a hard person to make contact with. She has the best excuses I ever heard. I told her I was trusting God for her safety, so she thinks I don't worry. Both true, and untrue. My son and daughter-in-law are in Belize at this time. They make sure to keep in touch with the family. I do like peace of mind. My son went for a vacation, but my granddaughter went for a work contract which will last three months. She is single, and has always been aggressive. She is a young grandmother, and is still looking for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I feel sure she will soon find it. In the meantime I need to know just how close she is getting to it. I'm waiting for my share. I am happy to be the mother, and grandmother of such moon-reaching children, and grandchildren. They add much excitement to my life. However, I wouldn't trade my simple, comfortable, safe, and peaceful home for all the stars in the heavens. I'm satisfied with my retirement, and thank God for a husband who worked hard to make sure I was taken care of when he left this old world.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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