Tuesday, June 26, 2018

"My Country Tis Of Thee"

        Proud of my State Capital Building In Austin, TX 6-26-2018 Perryton, TX

About five weeks ago I toured the State Capital Building in Austin,Texas. I am still enjoying the memories of all the historic statues, and writings describing the pride that all Texans still boast of today. It was a pleasurable tour, and my son, and daughter-in-law were two very special tour guides. The Texas Capital buildings are an awesome sight to see. I stand firm on the principle that made Texas one of the greatest states in America. Fighting for freedom, and democracy, sparing no fear of life. Many great people died during the struggle for Texas freedom from Mexico. The fight continued, and Texas finally captured the Alamo. To this day I declare that Texas is the best place in America to live. We Texans will not ever give into bullying. We believe in upholding the constitution, and remain a state of respect for all the sacrifices our forefathers made for us. Just this week a congress woman stooped to the lowest level of disrespect in trying to excite a revolution against President Trump and his supporters. She is one of many who have been trying this stunt for over a year now. How much longer will this go on before America is fighting a Civil war? In my opinion this country is at the brink of just such a war. I see no other way to take back America without much bloodshed. Will America as a whole be as brave, and forceful, as our great state of Texas was in 1835?

I realize the world has made a lot of changes in almost two hundred years ago when Texas was fighting for their freedom, but blood is blood no matter how it's taken. I don't see a Civil war in full force for some time yet, but I do believe it is possible. Far too many people are devastated at the lack of respect from our justice system. Almost all trust has been taken from the majority of the American people concerning our Justice System. Congress is no longer the controlling factor over our country. Where does that leave us? You said it, hopeless. Only war can reclaim it. I am thinking about the movie,”Annie get your gun.” Just a little humor, but millions of guns are out there in spite of the liberals doing everything possible to take them away from law abiding people. All we have to do is go to the grocery store and see the signs of evil pierced into the bodies of mothers with young children, Nothing could be more terrifying to me. The demon spirit has captured the lives of millions of both young and old. The conscience has been seared just like God's word told us it would be. No conscience---- no sense of shame or understanding. A wake-up call should be going out to all of those would be followers of many regretful indulger's of such shame. Look for yourself, see how many who have realized their mistake are in misery.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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