Friday, June 22, 2018

"Must Be An Angel Butterfly Wings And All"

The first butterfly I've seen this summer. It found my pretty pink flower. 6-22-2018 Perryton, TX
The return of the butterflies are almost as interesting as the flowers. They draw honey from all the flowers, but it only makes the colors look more beautiful. There will soon be all colors, and sizes of butterflies dining on my flowers. Another 2 and .2 inch of rain last night is doing wonders for my yard. Altogether we have had 6 ½ inches in one week. The grass is still too wet to cut so it takes away from the beauty of my flowers because it stands tall, and looks neglected. I am very thankful for the rain, and will not complain much about the grass. At least I'm not having to water it. Also the temperature has lowered, but the humidity is high. I managed to get all the paint and repair work done between rains. I am comfortably resting again in my recliner in front of the television. However, I will have to start cleaning house shortly. Who cares if I never get it all done at the same time? Not me. I know I'm not as young, and strong as I used to be, so I will not foolishly overdo my capabilities. People can excuse me, or refuse me. I still am going to be my judge.

I was glad to be back in my favorite chair today at the Center. Due to all my outside home work I had missed several meals. The lunch menu was extra good, and of course it's always good to be with friends. A few of my table partners were not there, but I learned no one was sick, just busy with other things. I receive a blessing every time I go. I don't always know exactly what that blessing is, but I always feel like it's a fact, and not fiction. Somewhere in the future it will be revealed to me.

I was also feeling blessed today after going for blood work at the lab. I needed a lab report to take to my doctor next week. My annual check up is due, and I always dread the lab work for fear something will not be good. Everything was o k so once again I am very happy. I haven't seen the cardiologist yet, but the lab technician went over the results with me explaining all the numbers. How can I ever thank my Lord enough? My children, and grandchildren, are a great blessing to me, and I love them all beyond words to tell. I don't live close to any of them except one son, but they really live in my heart. I hear from them sometimes daily, or at least weekly. We are one blessed family. We will never fail to pray for others who have needs. We are all in one big family of God. Evil does not belong in His family, so we trust that God will take care of all the unruly.

God Bless

Myrtle Jean Sharp

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