Tuesday, June 5, 2018

"Is Something Out Of Place"

This lovely home is less than two blocks from my home. It looks like a mansion up side of mine, but I'm proud to have it close by. 6-5-2018 Perryton, TX
This house is one of the nicer homes in Perryton, Texas. It is located less than two blocks from my house. No other home close to it would be priced within hundreds of thousands of dollars to it. It is a two story, and sits on a corner lot. The side facing the street from the north is just as large, and beautiful as the front part. The original owners had to sell when the economy plunged. Someone probably got a real bargain in this house. I have always loved this house, and am proud for the people who live there. I have not met them yet, and probably never will. I am thinking they do not fit in with the rest of people who live in the neighborhood. I'm not saying that they think they are better, but society just has a way sometimes of choosing our friends for us. I would love to meet my blessed neighbors, and it could possible happen. Until then I will enjoy their home right along with them.

How many times have we wished we could get into someone's mind. I believe that is why God made every one of us in his own image. No human being knows the mind of God because He is The Mind. Each and everyone of us have a part of that, “The Mind.” I do believe that somehow we all work together with God to manage a world without boundaries. Therefore we all should be proud of who we are, unless like some, the evil minority should admit their evil, and plead the blood of Jesus to be evil no more. How do I explain the pain, and suffering, of innocent children? Should they be proud of who they are? To some extent yes. I believe their mind is part of that scripture that declares, “it is not meant for man to know the mysteries of God.” Again we cannot judge what is in the minds of suffering children, or pray that God will change what He has created. We need to give thanks always unto God for what we have, and be compassionate for those who have less. Their hearts may have something that we cannot see, therefore give thanks unto God for loving the suffering little children. They are part of, “ The Mind.” What about those whom we say have no mind. Unless they were born without any brains, they do have a mind. It may not be what we call normal, but they do have part of, “The Mind.” God had a purpose for them or they would not have been born. May God bless the Angels who take care of them, and yes, they should be proud of who they are. Not all of us was made for the same job, but it takes all kinds of jobs to make God's world keep turning. Keep smiling even though you make think you haven't got anything to smile about.

God Bless
Myrtle Jean Sharp

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